Or does /Almighty pervert what is right?
Different name for God, same word for pervert,
But this time, we have sedeq this is Heb. word for Righteousness
Does the Almighty pervert what is right?
Does God pervert justice? Or does the Almighty pervert what is right?
NAS Does God pervert justice?
NIV Does God pervert justice?
KJ Does God pervert judgment?
NAS Does the Almighty pervert what is right
NIV Does the almighty pervert what is right
KJ Or does the almighty pervert justice?
Does God pervert judgment?
Does the Almighty pervert righteousness?
How would the Almighty pervert righteousness?
By declaring a Righteousness by Law, or
a Righteousness by works or
man’s own Righteousness,
as Righteousness that is like His Righteouness!
1. God is Righteous & every judgment or verdict by God is right, just, judicially right.
2. When God refused offering of Cain (Cain’s righteousness)
His decision to refuse was right.
3. When God refused all of Job’s Self righteousnes: God’s decision was right.
4. When God refuses our so called Righteousness, His verdict is right!
5. But when God pronounces as Righteous anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, His
pronouncement, judgment is right.
6. We have seen that the Bible is in a judicial fore mate & every verdict by God, is right or just!
7. The moment one believes in Jesus Christ, God imputes His righteousness & makes a judicial decision…
Justifies that person as righteous. This is not a judicial decision that can be reversed. The one who believes in Christ is righteous for all eternity. & when a believer sins, or even denies Christ, cannot undo what God has done. This is a judicial decision! & stands forever. We are not declared R because we did something, stopped sinning, therefore when we do sin, does not change R state that God has placed us.
I. What is not judged as R by God.
1. Righteousness is not out from law
2. Righteousness is not through law
3. Righteousness is not out from works
4. Righteousness required by God is not out
own righteousness
Without the Law
Without works
Not our own
5. Not my own righteousness out from or obeying Law
I. What is not judged as righteousness by God
II. What is righteous before God.
1. A Righteousness that comes from God.
2. This righteousness is a gift from God.
3. This righteousness is by grace of God.
4. This righteousness is by faith.
5. This righteousness is by faith in Jesus Christ.
God graciously gives or imputes as a gift of righteousness by means of faith in Jesus Christ, because we are righteous in Christ.
God’s righteousness is revealed out from your faith
For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith
This introduces The Two Part Plan of God
Gospel is for unbeliever & Gospel is for Believer
Not just For, but essential for unbel. & bel.
We have studied the first preposition: ek out from, denoting motion or movement from one place to another, from one realm to another.
From faith to faith
faith out from one realm to another realm
Out from the realm of faith in Jesus Christ, moves to another realm, that is to the realm of faith in Holy Spirit for Chrisitan life.