I. What is not judged as R by God.
1. Righteousness is not out from law
2. Righteousness is not through law
3. Righteousness is not out from works
4. Righteousness required by God is not out
own righteousness
Without the Law
Without works
Not our own
5. Not my own righteousness out from or obeying Law
I. What is not judged as righteousness by God
II. What is righteous before God.
1. A Righteousness that comes from God.
2. This righteousness is a gift from God.
3. This righteousness is by grace of God.
4. This righteousness is by faith.
5. This righteousness is by faith in Jesus Christ.
God graciously gives or imputes as a gift of righteousness by means of faith in Jesus Christ, because we are righteous in Christ.
God’s righteousness is revealed out from your faith
For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith
This introduces
The Two Part Plan of God
Gospel is for unbeliever & Gospel is for Believer
Not just For, but essential for unbeliever, & believer.
What is important structurally: two Greek prepositions:
Two prepositions: ek & eis
We have studied the first preposition: ek out from, denoting motion or movement from one place to another, from one realm to another.
From faith to faith
faith out from one realm to another realm
Out from the realm of faith in Jesus Christ, moves to another realm, that is to the realm of faith in Holy Spirit for Chrisitan life.
From faith to faith
First time faith is used, it refers to Salvation 1 faith
Second time faith is used,refers to Salvation 2 faith
Salvation 1 faith that reveals the righteousness of God is a pattern for revealing the righteousness of God in Christian life
Faith in Son of God for E-L that reveals righteousness of God is a pattern for faith in Spirit of God that reveals righteousness of God—in our lives.
Faith to be saved is patter of how we are to live
Out of faith to be eternally saved into faith to live the Spirit Filled Life.
Both realms involve 3 pertinent issues:
Righteousness, Faith, Life
From Faith this refers to 1st realm; Sal. 1;
As to righteousness, imputation of God’s perfect Righteousness, yours eternally
As to Faith: faith in Christ is how we graciously receive this gift of Righteousness; one time Faith
As to Life: Everlasting life
To Faith this refers to 2en realm: Sal. 2
As to righteousness living Righteousness which a believer may or may not obtain Gal. 5:5
As to Faith: faith in Holy Spirit is how we receive a righteous life (not by our works) Rom. 7:39
As to Life: Spiritual life by Holy Spirit GJ 7:39-40
For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed out from faith & moves that Righteous one to a life of faith!
God’s R is revealed when we trust in JC for E-L
God’s R is revealed when we trust in HS for SFL
The Gospel reveals the righteousness of God
God’s Righteousness is not revealed when we try to receive E-L by something we do
God’s Righteousness is not revealed when we try to receive Spiritual Life by something we do
For in the gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed out from faith in Jesus Christ, to be saved; into faith to be saved, or delivered from sin & live Spirit Filled Life
we move from faith in Christ to faith in HS
& when we do this, the righteousness of God is revealed in our lives….by faith
Book of Romans is not about living a righteous life; it is about receiving a righteous Life when we walk or live by faith.
The Gospel: declares Salvation 16;
is power of God to save 16;
by faith only 16;
Reveals righteousness of God 17
& pertains to unbel. & bel. 17
Calls for faith only & faith alone, from both unbeliever and believer
As regards to E-L Salvation by Faith
As regards to Spiritual Life, by Faith
Spiritual life is a life of faith all else is excluded!
We receive His R as unbel.s by faith
We receive His R as bel.s by faith
as it is written, But The Righteous man Shall Live by faith
as it is written Adverb kaqws compound Kata according to + os as > according as
we are to love One Another just as Jesus Christ loves
Now in Rom. 1:17 The standard for righteousness of God being revealed has always been the same. Always by faith
Just as it is written Perfect Passive Indicative grafw to write Perfect tense places emphasis on present result of past action; Past Action, Scripture received (passive) being written with result it stands written forever!
But The Righteous man Shall LIVE BY FAITH
Now the righteous man shall live by faith
dikaios right, just, righteous
This describes a state of existence----Righteous
The one who is righteous
to live a righteous life means you must first be righteous
for only one who is Righteous can live righteously.
Who are the Righteous?
Many claim that the righteous are those who live righteously; who live a righteous life.
But before God it is impossible for unRighteous one to live Righteously.
1st faith refers to how we become R –imputed God’s R by faith
2en faith refers to how we live R -- by faith
Question: Who are the righteous?
Those who receive God’s righteous by faith alone!
Faith in Jesus Christ for imputed righteousness,
that can never be lost or taken away. This is the state of righteousness that every believer exist for all eternity.
Faith in the Holy Spirit for a righteous life. When the believer walks by faith in Holy Spirit
he is living a righteous life that corresponds to
his position in Christ.
You are not righteous as a Christian because of
the way you live, you are righteous by Holy Spirit so that you can live a righteous life.
Out from faith into faith
Out from one realm of faith into another realm of faith
1st faith refers to how we become righteous –imputed God’s righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ.
2en faith refers to how we live righteously by faith in Holy Spirit.
The only faith that counts before God is a faith in Him, one of the members of the Godhead.
and the righteous shall live future mid. Indic. zaw to live!
This is not referring to everlasting life
This refers to living our lives here on earth. enjoyment of life; the journey that each of us travel…walking by faith in Holy Spirit & failing in sin, & recovery by faith in Holy Spirit.
But you will note that it is future tense.
Just because one is Righteous; imputed at point of faith in Christ – does not mean that believer will live a Righteous life, it does means the potential for a Righteous life is there!
And the righteous shall live by faith prep. Ek out of; or by means of faith pistis faith
17 For in it the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed out from the realm of faith in Jesus Christ Sal.1 to faith; into the realm of faith in Holy Spirit, Sal. 2 or living Spirit Filled Life as it is written, "But The Righteous man status of every believer. by virtue of imputed righteousness Shall Live daily as a believer By Faith." that is by faith in one God sent, His Spirit!
2:4 "Behold, as for the proud one, arrogance
Behold, Heb. interjection to jolt Hab. to one of two ways he can handle what is going on…
regarding the arrogant this is a verb, & here is a good place for us to see the impact of Heb. Pual stem; presents a state of existence & emphasis the result or achievement of that perfected state:
The process:
1. Independent of God & in control
2. The result of such state of mind is arrogance!
This is where you will end up as you try to live independent of God! (Cain…on)
But the righteous will live by his faith.
Heb. saddiq adj. meaning righteous, just, pure, clean, conforming to the righteousness of God
The righteous one one who is declared Righteous by initial faith in Christ (messiah)
Will live Qal. Imperf. Chayah to be alive, to live, to keep alive
Lets take care of one problem, some want to see will live as receiving Everlasting life; –
But context makes it clear that shall live refers living each day of our lives.
Habakkuk ask God why things are happening in Israel’s History as they are and how long it will last.
God answers that Habakkuk does not know all that God is doing.
Do you? When things are going badly & not getting better, Do you know all that God is doing?
Therefore, what God is saying is that Hab. & all bel.s should trust Him, live in midst of all that is going on, by faith, by trusting Him.
Often God does not want our understanding but our trust, our faith.
This was big problem with Job; & other prophets etc.
& of David: Psa. 13:1-2;
& esp. Psa. 74:9-10-11 & note in 12 why!
This is how the righteous are to live each day; in the midst of all the suffering, all & wrongs going on, in world or in their own surrounding, they are to live by faith one of the richest words in the bible.