Rom. 1-8 man’s relationship with God
1-4—unbeliever’s relationship with God
5-8—believer’s relationship with God
Rom. 12-16 man’s relationship with man
1:18-32 Heathen are guilty before God
2:1-26 Moral man is guilty before God
2:17-3:8 Rel. man is guilty before God
3:9-20 summation of whole world before God
Whole human race is guilty before God, not having the Righteousness of God nor the life of God.
Wrath orga —English word orgy, rage, out of control. Here, wrath or righteous indignation of God
What is your view of God?
We are getting ready to learn more about God!
We have noted His love at the cross
Now we are going to see: Why the cross? Why the great demand on His Love
Because of /depth of His wrath!
This is what Kind of God, our God is!
He sees man in Unrighteousness
& because He is a Holy God, His wrath rages at Unrighteousness
But this word denotes not the punishment but God’s attitude toward all unrighteousness.
In vss 1-17 presentation of Gospel, of His love, of how man can be Righteous: by the gospel, of faith in Jesus Christ.
Now 18ff we have need for that Gospel!
All are unrighteous
Because God is Holy—wrath towards un R
Wrath used to describe God’s attitude toward sin and unrighteousness.
But also a longing mixed with grief for those who live in unrighteousness to live righteous
As we are going to see, all members of human race are unrighteous.
Divided into 3 categ. But all are under wrath of God
So here is the demand of the Gospel
John 3:36
So how are we removed from the wrath of God?
Paul will answer this in Rom. 5:9
In vss 1-18 Paul first presents the solution
The solution is the gospel of God
Now Paul is going to present the problem
That all are unrighteous, & under the wrath of God
& the gospel is the only hope of man
For the wrath of God is revealed
Present. Passive Indicative of compound verb:
Apokaluptw apo prep. Prefix. meaning, away from + kaluptw to veil, or hide, - to remove the veil, so as to uncover, bring to light
What is of inter. here is Present tense:
The wrath of God is being revealed
Passive Voice: wrath of God receives being revealed
Throughout history, the wrath of God receives being revealed against unrighteousness.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
Why does Paul say this wrath is revealed from heaven?
1. As we saw in Job 1 heaven is the scene of supreme court of God. We have also seen this throughout our study in Rev. where God sits on the throne.
2. Also as we have seen, from Job 1 to Rev. heaven is HQs of all activity on earth.
Nothing happens in your life that is not result of something that is going on in heaven!
Wrath of God against all ungodliness
This is first word used to describe the need of the gospel
ungodliness: asebeia the beginning ‘a’ is a negative in Greek; alpha privitive—makes the word a neg. therefore, ungodly; impious; wicked; God-less; without God, describing the condition of everyone who at the point of God-consciousness rejects the being of God.
And unrighteousness of men,
adikia note the alpha privitive, on the word for righteousness, so here unrighteousness unjust, used to describe that which is not right.
Unrighteousness of men There is unrighteousness from the source of angels but this deals with the unrighteousness from source of mankind
This word describes the result of un-godliness, the result of denying the existence of God.
Suppress Present. Active. Participle: katecw this compound is used in two opposite meanings; to hold against yourself, so as to hold on to, or to hold down, so as to cover up, to suppress!
The Present tense—what habitually characterizes those who deny God at God consciousness, then live their lives to suppress the truth of being of God.
This occurs throughout all history.
What is being suppressed?
Who suppresses the truth
alhqeia truth, reality; unveiled reality;
Presence of definite article: The truth means that this is not truth in general, but specific truth!
In context: truth of the being of God!
It is no accident that truth is spoken of in this vs. with Unrighteousness; there is unrighteousness because there is truth
What is truth, in context?
The being of an absolute Divinity – God, Perfect God. The fact of one true supreme Being with divine attributes, to which worship & awe & servitude are due.
Who suppress the truth of God
1. Man can suppress the truth of God but man cannot destroy the truth of the existence of God
2ely To suppress something means you have to be aware of it’s existence. This is a deliberate act to suppress the being of God, suppress any influence of God, & rightness in the actions of man.
3. So man can deny the truth of existence of being of God. He can put forth all kinds of philosophies about God, or that there is no one, true God. He can make up myths of evolution to deny creation by the true God, he can do everything to suppress what he knows to be true.