Inventors of evil
The word translated inventors efeureqs epheuretes to discover, to invent, to find, contrive, one who thinks up schemes
Now what have these found? Evil kakos kakos bad, worthless, when used of soldier: cowardly; wicked, evil.
Finders of worthlessness
Inventors- devisors of wicked ways,
Schemers of wickedness
Psa. 2:1… devising a vain thing
Devising in Hebrew means to meditate, to ponder, to devise
Devising a vain thing Hebrew: emptiness, worthless, useless
Devising vain thing, worthless
Rom. 1:30: inventing, finding evil, worthlessness
Paul is drawing from this anti-God thinking
2 gathering of man against God
3 describes Rom. 1:30 & purpose of evil schemes
4 begins God’s response to all evil, man invents
5-6 God states His Plans
7-9 Jesus Christ speaks
10-12 God’s gracious call
Rom. 1:30 describes those through history who have denied the existence of God, or hated His existence.
& then they find wicked, Godless, worthless philosophies, & explanations and plans for a society without God.
& man has devised schemes to eliminate the influence of God in society, so that they, man, might be in control.
But, be warned, anytime when /bel.; moves out of SFL, into the flesh, we devise our own plans, find ways to get our way, where we are in control
Psa. 21
11 Though they those described in last half of Rom. 1; who have denied /existence of God, & became haters of God
intended evil against Thee,
intended Hebrew to stretch out, to extend, in hostile or good intent
NIV plot evil
Rom. 1: inventors or schemers of evil
Evil Heb. is equivalent of Gk. word: bad, evil,
They intended, plotted evil, bad
Rom. 1 inventors, schemers of evil, bad, they devise evil schemes & plots against God.
Ways to get God out of society, like our Supreme Court & lower courts.
Though they intended evil against Thee against God, Messiah, Jesus Christ
And devised a plot,
KJ they imagined a mischievous device,
NIV and devise wicked schemes,
Hebrew is one word to devise evil plans, plans against God’s order
To devise, invent equivalent of the word Paul uses in Rom. 1;
Hebrew is picturesque – a weaver –here used weaving in the mind, plans, plots, schemes – it means to create new ideas with intent against God.
They imagine, devised, invented, evil plans
Rom. 1: inventors of evil
Though they stretched out evil against thee
And devised wicked schemes –plots
We are seeing more & more of this going in USA today, trying to justify the abomination of homosexuality, turning America into a multi-rel. nation, against, the one and only true God,
& all the schemes of judges, lawyers, politicians, preachers, social workers, psychologist, counselors & of course entertainment industry, all working together so hard to take God out!
But note the last line of vs 11
They will not succeed.
The Hebrew is much stronger:
but they are not able to perform
They are not even able to carry out their schemes against God
Oh, they may bring down people, they may even bring down a nation like USA
It has long been a tactic of Satan to deceive nations Rev. 12:9; 20:3;
but in the final analysis they are not able to carry out their schemes against God…
God Wins
12 For Thou wilt make them turn their back; Thou wilt aim with Thy bowstrings at their faces.
13 Be Thou exalted, O LORD, in Thy strength; We will sing and praise Thy power.
Be on the right side of history!
Exalt Him now in your life,
Sing praises of His power!
As people move away from God, & deny God, hate God & try to get away from the being of God, they plot, & create all kinds of worthless schemes to get rid of God!
But they cannot carry them out!
Disobedient to parents
Who would have thought that this would be in such a list?
Disobedient apeiqhs alpha neg. plus root: to persuade
With the negative: unwilling to be persuaded; unreasonable, disobedient
disobedient to parents
not just disobedient, as in other list where this word appears but specifically:
disobedient to parents
Why does the Holy Spirit put this in this most descriptive list?
What this shows is that all this rejection, & rebellion against God, begins at a young age!
Child psychologist, Christian counselors etc. all have come up with all kinds of explanations & human cures.
Its all the parents fault, it’s societies fault, etc
Don’t discipline, don’t spank, spare the rod, give them what they want.
We have to understand the nature of child etc
We need to give our children their freedom, then dose them with controllable drugs!
Control their behavior with drugs…we have saturated our children with all kinds of drugs…to control behavior that we have not corrected from very early age.
And parents take pride, boast of how they do not spank their children,
they boast on how they do not discipline their children,
they boast at how well their children behave ---when they take their drugs….
It is much easier to just give your children some drugs than it is to rear them from the beginning with discipline, training, & love!
Or religious parents want to control with Law, which only increases rebellion and sin in the children.
In OT, Jews had a great system for handling a disobedient child
If the child through 18, became so rebellious – uncontrollable in his disobedience, the parents could take the child to court, & if courts determined that child was habitually disobedient & resistant to all attempts of reconciliation – the court could prescribe death penalty.
This solved juvenal delinquency; juvenal crimes, & prevented this behavior to be passed on from generation to generation.
Read Deut. 21:18-21; Ex. 21:15 &17;
As we move away from the Bible, truth of bible, we move away from Biblical teaching on the family, & on child rearing
The Bible declares that the flesh nature is continually being corrupted
& then the Bible proceeds form this point:
Prov. 3:12; 13:24; 19:18; 22:6, 15, 23:13-15; 29:15 & 17
NT Heb. 12:7
Can this discipline be carried too far?
Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21
Be sure we understand that even where training & discipline & love are properly used, children can have a rebellious soul.
Without Understanding
In the soul & mind
So it is no surprise to find: without understanding
asunetos privative or neg. a + sunetos sagacious; to reason, understand, intelligent, this word means to understand how things work, orderly function, not of machines but in abstract: morally, ethically, government, family etc.
This word describes exactly what is going on in USA
Where our leaders –political, religious do not understand how things work—family; how perversion so adversely affects the soul.
With the negative alpha: non-intelligent; without understanding
Cup of the New Covenant
Do you know:
What a covenant is?
What the New Covenant is?
Where it is found in Bible?
What are the conditions of New Covenant
Who is under the New Covenant?
Most Christians will take communion, eat the bread and drink the cup of the New Covenant but have no idea what the New Covenant is about. And yet the New Covenant determines how we are to live.
What is a covenant?
Covenant is a declaration of one person’s will, not the result of an agreement between two parties like a contract. It is God & God alone who sets the conditions of His covenant.
Man decides to accept the conditions or not but he cannot alter the conditions of God’s covenants.
There are conditional covenants and there are unconditional covenants.
Mosaic Covenant is a conditional covenant, where man must do and do.
Abrahamic and the New Covenant are unconditional, where man simply believes.
What is the New Covenant?
New Covenant is New in reference to the Mosaic covenant but not the Abrahamic.
The Mosaic is a covenant of works, and it kills. It does not give life.
The Abrahamic Covenant is the original covenant and is a covenant of grace, where God does it all, and all Abraham and all people have to do is faith.
Abraham believed and it was accredited to as Righteousness.
The New Covenant is unconditional, received and lived by faith and faith alone.
Where is the New Covenant found in the Bible?
Jere. 31:31-33
2 Cor. 3:6
What are the conditions of the New Covenant?
But is it the faith God is looking for?
Faith in the one God sends:
Faith in His Son for Eternal Life
Faith in His Spirit for Spiritual life
And we live by faith in members of the Godhead
Who is under the New Covenant?
Only those who are in Christ by faith alone in Jesus Christ.
What does this New Covenant establish?
1. It creates a New Spiritual Creation.
2. It establishes a New relationship with
3. It creates a New Covenant Community, not a nation or race as with Israel, but a body, a church, a new fellowship.
4. It introduces a New Love, Spiritual love
5. It gives to every member of Body of Christ New permanent power in the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Cup of the New Covenant
This is how we are to live every day of our lives.
We must think in terms of this New Covenant not the Law. Most Christians hold on to the Law because they know nothing about New Covenant.
New Covenant sets us free!
Spiritually free to serve Jesus Christ and serve One Another in Spiritual Love.
We are to act toward One Another according to this New Covenant, so it is imperative that we know this New Covenant.