Morality & Immorality
1. Neither morality nor immorality affect God
2. Any thing that comes from flesh nature of man is under condemnation from God.
Our righteousness is filthy rags before God;
Our love…no matter how sincere is not acceptable to God
Works of flesh receives no rewards at Judgment Seat of Christ.
3. Yes, before man, in orderly function of society morality is necessary, but do not confuse what is acceptable & necessary before man has having merit before God, for Sal. 1 or 2.
4. What is so interesting is that Satan understands what so few understand. Satan understands that while our sins & righteousness effect our relationship with OA, neither our sins nor our righteousness effect God.
Read Job 35:1-8
5. Morality is related to human race, & directly effects the orderly function of society, & it is always a part of God’s order for the Spirit filled believer.
6. However, before God, in our relationship with God, morality of the flesh has no merit before God & is as filthy rags. Only morality that is of the power & leading of Holy Spirit has any profit before God & any spiritual impact.
Morality from the flesh, comes from & encourages Self righteousness; & arrogance. & is so damaging because the moral believer prides himself before God & does not need to completely rely on Holy Spirit by faith.
7. In our relationship with God, is dependent up our total dependence on the one He sends…and this by faith alone; & remember that even this faith is a grace gift from God, given to every member of human race.
8. The Spirit Filled Life encompasses a moral life, without making morality a standard for living CWL & w/o making it a standard for others, by which he judges others.
& when believer ignores the Filling of the Holy Spirit, & tries to be moral he falls into moral arrogance—judging himself & others.
2 And we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things.
3 and do you suppose this, O man, when you pass judgment upon those who practice such things & do the same yourself, that you will escape the judgment of God?
Note: in these two vss we have judgment 3x
& a contrast: Judgment by God &
Judgment by man
Man loves to judge: judge himself;
judge others
& man sets himself up to judge God!
Favorite pass time of man is to judge God
2 & we know that /judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things.
We know Pres. Act. Indic. eido to see so as to know; to see with perception
In 1:19 what is known about God is evident in them
In 1:32 they know (naturally) the ordinance of God –including being worthy of death
now here we know that the judgment of God is just
& we know that the judgment of God krima to judge
Judgment occurs 9x in this one chpt.
God is going to judge!!!!
And we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things.
Rightly falls both KJ & NIV according to truth
Only God knows all the facts
Man loves to judge, because man thinks he knows enough to judge, but truth of the matter is, that God & only God knows all the facts
2 & we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things.
Practice Pres.Act.Ptc. prasso to practice
3 and do you suppose this, O man, when you pass judgment upon those who practice such things & do the same yourself, that you will escape the judgment of God?
The question, assumes a positive reply; yes we do!
Note Suppose presents a way of thinking: logizomai – to compute, consider, reason, calculate,
It is amazing how people who judge others, justify their own actions, their own thoughts; they deceive themselves as they pass judgment on others.
Self-Righteousness cannot survive without judging, maligning, gossiping & slandering others! They survive by building their Righteousness, their purity, on someone else’s un-Righteousness; sins.
Do you suppose this O man vocative refers to those of vs 1; used to express contempt for the Self-Righteous of vs 1; who set themselves up to judge others. It conveys spiritual Indignation against Self-Righteous gossips.
This should be your attitude toward gossips, slanderers etc.
This Self-Righteousness appears on the surface to be moral, sweet, loving etc.
yet on the inside: dead…evil all the way.
And do you suppose this, O man, when you pass judgment upon those who practice such things
this is done by judging the sins that they do not commit.
The moral man, in his judging, judges the immoral man as to his obvious known sins: homosexuality, murder, cheating, hating God, stealing, etc.
While at the same time, he himself, gossips, slanders, & is arrogant, judgmental, without love & without mercy.
and do the same yourself,
1. Self-Righteousness comes from hypocrisy & self deception.
2. Self-Righteousness clearly sees the sins, failures of others, while ignoring it’s own sins & failures.
3. Self-Righteousness does not see its own sins nearly as bad or damaging as the more obvious sins of those described in Rom. 1.
They minimize their own sins, while they make issue of the immoral sins of others.
This is how they build themselves up.
4. The overt sins of those described in chpt. 1; those of the immoral man, are quite obvious, while the mental sins & verbal sin of the Self-Righteous are hidden behind a façade of legalism & religion. A façade of purity for the Lord, sanctify of the saints etc. Keep the body of Believers pure.
So they justify their judging, as not judging, their gossip, as not gossip, their slander as not slander…because their cause is just! Their cause is purity.
5. But to God, before God’s Holiness, one type of sin, is just as much condemned as another. guilty of one – guilty of all! But the Self Righteous judges as if they are different.
6. Before God, the sins of the Self-Righteous person: judging, gossip etc. are just as obvious as those in chpt. 1.
7. Therefore the moral & Self-Righteous person is no more justified, pure, clean than the immoral person.
Man’s Righteousness has no merit before God.
Why do they judge others?
That—in order that
You will escape Future, Middle Indic. ekjeugw ekpheugo ek-out; +Pheugo – to flee, - to flee out, to escape
In Classical Greek this was a judicial term: “to be acquitted”
Which would be most fitting for this passage but due to construction escape seems to fit
You judge…in order that you will escape the judgment of God
Krima of God
Cup of the New Covenant
Do you know:
What a covenant is?
What the New Covenant is?
Where it is found in Bible?
What are the conditions of New Covenant
Who is under the New Covenant?
Most Christians will take communion, eat the bread and drink the cup of the New Covenant but have no idea what the New Covenant is about. And yet the New Covenant determines how we are to live.
What is a covenant?
Covenant is a declaration of one person’s will, not the result of an agreement between two parties like a contract. It is God & God alone who sets the conditions of His covenant.
Man decides to accept the conditions or not but he cannot alter the conditions of God’s covenants.
There are conditional covenants and there are unconditional covenants.
Mosaic Covenant is a conditional covenant, where man must do and do.
Abrahamic and the New Covenant are unconditional, where man simply believes.
What is the New Covenant?
New Covenant is New in reference to the Mosaic covenant but not the Abrahamic.
The Mosaic is a covenant of works, and it kills. It does not give life.
The Abrahamic Covenant is the original covenant and is a covenant of grace, where God does it all, and all Abraham and all people have to do is faith.
Abraham believed and it was accredited to as Righteousness.
The New Covenant is unconditional, received and lived by faith and faith alone.
Where is the New Covenant found in the Bible?
Jere. 31:31-33
2 Cor. 3:6
What are the conditions of the New Covenant?
But is it the faith God is looking for?
Faith in the one God sends:
Faith in His Son for Eternal Life
Faith in His Spirit for Spiritual life
And we live by faith in members of the Godhead
Who is under the New Covenant?
Only those who are in Christ by faith alone in Jesus Christ.
What does this New Covenant establish?
1. It creates a New Spiritual Creation.
2. It establishes a New relationship with
3. It creates a New Covenant Community, not a nation or race as with Israel, but a body, a church, a new fellowship.
4. It introduces a New Love, Spiritual love
5. It gives to every member of Body of Christ New permanent power in the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Cup of the New Covenant
This is how we are to live every day of our lives.
We must think in terms of this New Covenant not the Law. Most Christians hold on to the Law because they know nothing about New Covenant.
New Covenant sets us free!
Spiritually free to serve Jesus Christ and serve One Another in Spiritual Love.
We are to act toward One Another according to this New Covenant, so it is imperative that we know this New Covenant.