Here is one of those verses that causes a great deal of confusion & false teachings.
There are those who see that God is going to judge whether one is Righteous & therefore saved according to works. By works one can make themselves Righteous before God.
That Righteousness is not by faith alone but must be accompanied by good works…of course in absolute contrast with the truth of the gospel
Who the antecedent of who is God, of the previous phrase. But we know John 5:22 that God the Father has turned all judgment over to the Son.
GJ 5:22 For not even /Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, So this is a refer. to Jesus Christ.
By the way Rom. 2:6 is a quote from
Psa. 62:12 And love is Thine, O Lord, For Thou dost recompense a man according to his work.
Prov. 24:12 If you say, "See, we did not know this," Does He not consider it who weighs the hearts? & does He not know it who keeps your soul? And will He not render to man according to his work?
Rom. 2:6 who Jesus Christ will render
shall render this is going to happen!
Future: Predictive future, referring to something that will occur in future: Day of wrath
Active Jesus Christ will do the rendering
Indicative: mood of reality! This is reality! Referring to Last Judgment
Render judgment means to give, to return,
To every man, to each one refers to a specific category: every unbeliever.
But the same principle applies to every believer at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
To each one according to his deeds ergon works…deeds
1. deeds refers to acts, functions, & words.
2. one thing lets get straight with all the passages in bible that are concerned with judgment of sinful acts:
they have been paid for on the cross.
Now you either believe this or not! You cannot have it both ways. Either on the cross, Christ died & paid for all the sins of the world or He did not! In all the passages that deal with Judgment Seat of Christ for bel.s or Last Judgment for unbel.s sins are not mentioned they have been taken care of on /cross.
3. Since sins have been taken care of & are therefore no longer an issue at Judgment Seat of Christ for bel.s or Last Judgment for unbel.s; the issue is deeds, works that man presents in his defense against Divine judgment.
So the issue is deeds, works…
4. Some of the passages that deal with judgment of deeds are written to sound like God is going to judge sins, twice. And they are written that way on purpose. As are many passages in Scripture. Those who want to see Law, works, & double jeopardy for sins, it is there;
those who want to see Grace, see what happened on the cross, that Christ died & paid for sins of the world, all men; sins of unbelievers & sins of al who would believe in Him.
Many, do not believe that Christ died for sins of world, but only those who believe in Him, & only at that moment they believe.
& they use passages like these dealing with judgment of deeds
Others, like me, & I hope you, believe that Christ died for /sins of /world, bel.s & unbel.s
This is called Unlimited Atonement: so well documented in Scriptures.
2 Cor. 5:14-15, 19;
1 Tim. 2:6; 4:10;
Titus 2:11;
Heb. 2:9;
1 Jn. 2:2
5. So what is going on? Deeds refers to deeds of Righteousness, that is Self-R. At the Last Judgment, no unbel. will be there due to his sins, in fact sins will not even be mentioned.
He will not be there because of sins, sins were taken care of at /cross. What will be mentioned, what will judged are his works, deeds, his self-R will be weighted against /perfect R of Jesus Christ Works of Christ on /cross, vs /works, deeds of man.
He rejected Jesus Christ, & chose to stand on his own works, so it will be his works that will be judged, his deeds. John Calvin, was not trained in any way in Theology, & he had so many false doctrines, but one of the most evil was limited atonement
That Jesus Christ did not die for all members of human race, but only the elect, & God chooses who will be saved & who will not…another gross Evil teaching of God.
6. All human good will be judged in future, just as all sins were judged in past. Everything that comes from flesh, must be judged, sins were judged in past, human good will be judged in future. For unbel.s at Last Judgment, Great White Throne Judgment Rev. 20:11-12
7. Judgment of bel.s human good will be Judgment Seat of Christ. Since none of you (bels) will be at last judgment, but you will be at Judgment Seat of Christ so lets take a moment & look at this certain event for everyone of you
2 Cor. 5: 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, this is for certain, everyone of us will stand before Judgment Seat of Christ; that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
Or bad does not refer to sins, sins will not be an issue at Judgment Seat of Christ, they were taken care of on the cross.
Good-all that we do in power of Holy Spirit
Bad should be worthless! All that is done in the flesh. It is so difficult for people to understand that all the good works we do, can be worthless. All the giving, all the praying, all the witnessing, all the morality, all the preaching, all the doctrine we learn, etc. all worthless if done in flesh.
By the way, there are those who see bad as referring to sins, & deny that Jesus Christ died for sins of world on cross.
What you believe about the cross, is vital to so many other things you will believe.
Now, your sins were all judged at cross, but, what is going to happen to all the human good you have committed throughout your life? burned—one big bonfire….you are going to stand there & watch all your good works burn But, you can be most happy that you will not hear of your sins…Jesus Christ paid for them on the cross.
& as a believer you can be certain of your Eternal Life: Eternal Security, forever with God,
forever with Christ.
But I will tell you of something else you can be certain of: you will stand before Jesus Christ at Judgment Seat of Christ.
& you can be certain of receiving rewards
How about that, while others are doubting their Salvation you can be certain, not only of Salvation but of rewards.
For what? If giving, & witnessing, & praying, & being moral, etc can be human good & burned, what in the world do we have to do to receive rewards at Judgment Seat of Christ?
When you stand before Judgment Seat of Christ you will receive rewards for good deeds
So Question is what constitutes good deeds to Jesus Christ, the righteous judge?
All that you do in the power of Holy Spirit.
That’s it!
It is not what you do or not do but in what power you do it!
So you will be rewarded for walking by faith in Holy Spirit!
Holy Spirit does all the work…& you receive rewards…
Crown of Righteousness 2 Tim. 4:7-8 for living Spirit Filled Life by faith in Holy Spirit & Spiritual Love, that is loving as Jesus Christ loves.
Crown of Life James 1:12; Rev. 2:10 suffering for Jesus Christ.
Crown of Glory 1 Peter 5:1-5 for those few Pastors who teach the truth in Holy Spirit.
Crown of Joy 1 Thes. 2:19-20; Phil. 4:1 leading others to Jesus Christ in the power of Holy Spirit.
Honor of Morning Star Rev. 2:18-28
You will stand before Jesus Christ at Judgment Seat of Christ & you can be certain of receiving Rewards: walk by faith in Holy Spirit, to the end!
One thing we have learned in the last month is how quickly we can loose 100s of thousands of saving for retirement…well, here is a certainty of valuable rewards you can never lose.