Greek word reveals the intent of these people: eritheia
To work for hire; it represents a motive of self interest
The word is used 7x in NT & all 7 have a negative use.
The believers of vs 7 persevere in good work of Jesus Christ.
These on the other hand seek to profit from their own works;
Learn about Salvation
While salvation is about us escaping eternal darkness, while the word itself refers to our salvation, Salvation not about us but about the glory of God, the compassion of God, the Love of God
It must be by a salvation that glorifies God!
In vs 7-they sought a salvation of the glory & honor of God
It is not about us—that is right, our Salvation is not about us…
Our Salvation is about the Glory, honor, love & praise of God
So, whatever way we seek Sal. it must be a sal. that gives all glory to God, all glory to His Son, & while it is our sal. we do not get the glory or the praise.
This is why Sal. is not by our works so that no one can boast!
You take the words used to substitute simple act of faith alone, all are concerned with man doing something to have a part of his sal. repent, confess, invite, make Him Lord, join some church or movement; participate in some ritual etc. all are active verbs emphasizing something that we must do!!! do & do;
while faith is a passive verb where man does not do, but receives…
When man thinks of Sal. he immediately thinks of what he must DO to be saved…but
Our sal. must be of such that while we are saved, while we receive Eternal-Life;
but God is glorified!
The basis of capitalism is greed self-centered, profit etc. What they fail to point out is that socialism, is also centered on self…what I want, what I deserve! What others owe me…
In fact any economic system, any political system has at its basis, the human nature…of greed-me!..
Now, what Adam Smith did in Laissez fair capitalism is to use that basic nature of man to advantage! His whole premise is based on moral observation of man. Laissez fair =of or relating to or being an economy devoid of govt. interference - ”let people do as they choose”
That in their own self interest people would also be maximizing the economic well being of all society.
In other words the basic difference in laissez & socialism is that socialism centers on man thinking of self—what I want, etc. while laissez fair capitalism demands that each individual must think of others…what do you need that I can do for you that you will give me what I want—shoes, clothes etc…
So laissez fair uses basic instinct to the advantage of all society!
This is why every distortion of the gospel, centers on man doing something-basic instinct of man—to do & to be rewarded;
while the true gospel is where man can do nothing but receive the grace & love of God by grace thru faith!
8 but to the ones on the other hand those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth,
The conjunction translated and adds to list of their actions…that will lead to them receiving wrath of God
1st out of selfish ambition seeking to save themselves
And do not obey the truth
Presence Active Ptc. Apeitheo
Do not obey the truth aletheia ---
What is obedience?
What is the truth?
Not obey one word: correctly understanding this word will help in understanding the truth.
Not obey what does this mean?
John 3:36 NASV does not obey the Son
KJ he that believeth not NIV whoever rejects the son…
& here is the meaning of our word: does not obey is not to believe, to refuse to believe.
Acts 14:2 NASV who disbelieved KJ unbelieving Jews
NIV Jews who refused to believe
So we are getting to the truth of the word truth…
truth of gospel is that the gospel is by faith alone!
Refusal to believe the gospel is to disobey the gospel.
Acts 19:9 NASV becoming harden & disobedient
KJ hardened & believed not
NIV became obstinate they refused to believe
Rom. 15:31 NASV that I may be delivered from those who are disobedient in Judea,
KJ That I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judaea;
NIV Pray that I may be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea
Heb. 3:18 And to whom did He swear that they should not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient?
KJ And to whom sware He that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not?
NIV And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed ?
Heb. 11:31 By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish along with those who were disobedient, after she had welcomed the spies in peace.
KJ By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.
NIV disobedient
1 Peter 2:7 This precious value, then, is for you who believe. But for those who disbelieve, note that our word, disbelieve is in contrast with to beleive “ The stone which the builders rejected, this became the very corner stone. Jesus Christ
8 and, "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense” for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, interesting phrase: disobedient to the word; this is in parallel with Rom. 2:8: disbelieve—not obey-- the truth the word & the truth are parallel and to this doom they were also appointed.
1 Peter 4:17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; judgment of bel.s at J-S-C and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? oh, what a beautiful phrase.
Who do not believe the gospel of God
The gospel for unbel.s & the gospel for bel.s—calls for nothing but faith.
& to disobey the gospel, the truth, is to refuse to believe the gospel; believe the truth
Rom. 2:8 but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, or who refuse to believe the truth of the gospel but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation.
But obey Pres.Pass.Ptc. Of the root of the word we just studied:
Peitho- to obey; to believe: & what is interesting here is the passive voice—once you reject the truth you receive believing the lie.
here the lie is unrighteousness adikia this is a legal term. It connotes the opposite of Righteousness! unjust, injustice, Un Righteousness. describing not being comfortable with justice; not being comfortable with what is right !
so having rejecting or refusing to believe in truth of Gospel, they receive being obedient to all that is unrighteousness
next we have what they receive
wrath & indignation
KJ reverses these words: indignation & wrath
NIV wrath & anger
Here is what they receive for refusing to simply believe in Christ
Wrath orge 1:18 & 2:5
Indignation-wrath thumos used of God & man
1st word wrath when used of man- the impulsive state of human disposition
any type of impulsiveness & came to mean a reaction of soul
wrath, anger, as a striking manifestation of a powerful inner
reaction.—it is intentional – used to describe the action of one who acts as a judge, & jury & executioner
When used of God…it describe God’s attitude toward those who reject His Son. Those who reject so great a sal.; who refuse to believe in His Son. To those who prefer to offer God their own good works, good deeds…against /work of Jesus Christ on Cross, & this word is used to describe God’s attitude & action against them.
Next word: thumos – while orge refers to judgment, this word refers to Indignation This word is used to emphasize what arouses the judgment of anger—what arouses one to execute judgment; indignation aroused by something unjust something evil
God is indignant;
Question what makes God indignant?
Learn about God!
Not sin! Sin does not make God indignant!
But God is indignant against man offering his works instead of simply trusting His Son.
8 but to those on /other hand who from selfishly ambition and do not obey the truth, or who refuse to believe the truth of the gospel but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation.
disobedience to the gospel of truth: refuse to believe in Jesus Christ is accompanied by several results:
1. It all starts with rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior, by faith & faith alone.
Once you reject the truth of the gospel you start obeying a false gospel. You start trying to produce your own Righteousness—by works – self seeking, seeking a sal. that glorifies you! & what you do.
This is the origin of Rel.; a works sal. inviting Jesus into your heart, Lordship Sal.; repenting, being moral, joining a church; legalism.
2. As he continues to refuse to obey the gospel of truth & turn to his own Self Righteousness self-centered works for Sal. this becomes a system of religion in his life.
You can begin to see why Pharisees & legalistic Jews rejected JC & want to get rid of Him…crucify Him.
Let look at an interesting vs. Luke 4:28 And all in the synagogue were filled with rage as they heard these things; word for rage here is thumos & you will recall that this word emphasizes that which causes rage…These Jews in the synagogue, had rejected the gospel of truth, a Righteousness by faith alone & as a result they were filled with rage at just the hearing of any gospel that declared a Righteousness by faith alone!
3 Rejection of truth of gospel, refusal to believe the gospel always leads to obeying evil, false gospel demands & /perpetuation of that false gospel. Denominations, movements etc
4. But something else happens: from God’s side: the more you reject His Son, the more you speak out against faith alone, in Christ alone, the more the indignation of God is stored up.
The indignation of God is built up due to rejecting His grace, & choosing man’s works.
Then the wrath of God is expressed! Executed.
Vs 7 On /one hand, to those who will depend on faith alone in Christ alone, not turning to their own works of good who by perseverance in good work by Jesus Christ seek for glory & honor & immortality, they seek a Salvation that will honor & give glory to God. He will render Eternal Life
8 but to the ones on the other hand those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, of the gospel but obey unrighteousness, He will render wrath and indignation.