1. All have sinned & come short of the glory of God
This includes everyone, Gentiles without the Law & Jews with the law.
2. This means that all come under the wrath of God! God is not partial –all Gentiles & all Jews, & since all have sinned, all are under God’s wrath. & headed for day of judgment.
& what is at issue is +R of God, man must be +R to miss the day of judgment. This is something that no man can produce.
Why, because all have sinned & out of a sinful being cannot come +R, something good cannot come out of that which is corrupt
3. This is why in Rom. 1:1-17 God presented the gospel.
-all have sinned & therefore un R &
-therefore under the wrath of God.
-But God removed the problem by bearing the
judgment of sins on the cross,
-So now sins are no longer the issue, no one will
be judged for their sins the only issue is what
you think of Christ?
-This means that every member of human race
Jew or Gentile is born with forgiveness of all
-If this were not the case then everyone who died with out believing in Jesus Christ –would have to bear judgment for his sins & Christ would have died in vain. And since JC has already taken care of judgment of all sins of world, that would be double jeopardy.
-This is another of /truths that G/HS used to guide me from
The false teaching on 1 Jn 1:9 being used for forgiveness of sins…
If a bel. needed to confess his/hers sins to be forgiven then JC did not die for all sins of bel. oh, He may have died for past sins but on the cross He did not die for all present & future sins.
This makes any one who teaches that we are forgiven of sins by confession is a true RCC—this is why Purgatory
Because Christ did not pay for all the sins of the world –Past, Present & Future we have to do something to be forgiven of sins…this is a lie.
1 Jn, 1:9 If we confess our sins
now this comes from vs 8 where they denied they sinned. If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves & /truth is not in us. They denied they sinned – why did they deny they sinned? Because they had a false view of God. Just like so many who wrongfully translate vs 9. Now, what was their false view of God? That if they sinned, God would take away their Sal. So this loving shepherd is straightening them out on the truth of God. Note that he does not teach them about themselves or about sin but about God
If we confess our sins…stop denying you sin, acknowledge your sins, & don’t be afraid of God, He is faithful not to them but to work of His Son on the cross, where he paid for all sins of the world, He is faithful & righteousness He has already forgiven us our sins on the cross, & has cleansed us from all unrighteousness.
We can do nothing for sal. We can do nothing for forgiveness, we can do nothing for +R. Confession will not cause God to forgive us, His son did that on cross. We can do nothing to be cleansed, that also we accomplished on the cross. All these are the work of God, forgiveness, to be +R, to be clean!
This goes back to Job, who can make /clean out of the unclean…no one
Being clean as unbel. or bel. is completely the work of God.
Now the question: How? How does one receive the work of God as bel.s or unbel.s?
by faith & faith alone!
4. But & here is the problem for our study: all man kind, either denies that he is under condemnation, or that he can earn his own way to +R of God.
Gentiles either deny that he is a sinner because he does not have the Law & Jews think they are +R just because he has the law.
5. As to Jewish pride of having the Law: with the Law, there is a tendency toward Self-Righteousness, it does not have to be this way, but there is this tendency.
6. M-L establishes the standard of sin! But the law also teaches of /+R of God. it teaches of the conflict of sin & +R. But it also reveals
The Love of God as the solution between sin of man & +R. of God
7. The sins of Jewish unbel. were judged at cross, just as sins of every Gentile. All sins were judged at cross, past, present & future sins – all were judged at cross. Therefore sins of Gentiles & Jewish unbel.s will not be mentioned at last judgment. But all Jewish unbel. works to keep Law will be used to demonstrate that good works will not begin to compare to +R of God. S-R of unbel. will not save him. Wrongful use of Law inspires Jew to accumulate all human good & use for his case of Self-R to equal God’s +R.
8. While all sins were taken care of on cross, man’s S-R will be the issue at Gt. White Throne Judgment . So issue now is to believe in God’s Son, & to do this, they must refuse to offer their own S-R.
9. But both groups refuse to believe in Christ for Justification with God & to receive +R of God by faith alone in Christ alone & when one believes in Jesus Christ, he graciously received +R of God
10. there is no partiality with God
Therefore Self-Righteous unbel, is just as much under condemnation as moral unbel. w/o /Law. & these are just as much under condemnation as the most immoral, heathen.