In that they outwardly demonstrate the purpose & work of the Law written in their hearts
1. written not on stone, but in their hearts as an unwritten Law
2. Written by whom?
Written by God. The heart is center of life of human beings
their conscience bearing witness
3. These two statements go back to the garden, this is what is left of image of God in the heart of man after the fall.
4. What is left is a sense of humanity – a moral sense that is badly distorted in many ways. But what is left is highly important in history of man & Salvation of mankind.
5. There is no such thing as moral evolution –
In fact the study of morality is one of the surest proofs against human evolution-going from lowest to highest – there is only decline…from highest- declining to lower state which is what is happening throughout human history.
And their thoughts alternately accusing or defending themselves
This is a very important principal of law in the conscience.
The way law affects our thoughts:
Pride, arrogance, S-R or guilt, shame, & depression.
These are the inner workings of law!
These are the things that happen when you live by law, by list, by what I ought to do.
There is a battle inside of every human being.
need to make a study of each one of these for an extension to SAD.
1. The conscience, with witch we were born with, given by God, is the cause of greater inner turmoil, inner battles—
There are two parts of us, in us: this is obvious when we do something, & our conscience, blames us, accuses us. When we most desire to hush it up, to silence it. To get rid of it, but we are unable to do so. And maybe even driven so deep stress, depression, self condemnation, & sometimes even self execution. All this by my own self-imposed laws….
When you choose to live by law, you have to deal with law. & law kills, it kills the inside of you.
2. This is often called, by preachers & theologians, & others; The voice of God in us.
But this is not correct. It is not because God knows what we have done, & then speaks in us, accusing us. But it is rather, we know, & speak to ourselves in judgment of ourselves.
This is such a tragedy when man chooses to live by law, even self imposed law. We are judge & defendant, & will eventually condemn ourselves. & the real problem is that this does not have to be if we will only turn to Jesus Christ by Faith alone.
3. There is a battle going on inside of every human being: unbel. or carnal bel. this is battle going on in the conscience, of right vs wrong.
Remember this battle is daily & it is going on in your heart-soul.
4. There is another battle going on inside of every human being in the heart of unbel. or carnal bel.; this battle is going on between basic instincts & conscience of soul. Jude 1:10
But these men those who rebel against society revile speak evilly, discredit the things which they do not understand; because they have rejected and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed.
Quickly look at this vs.
but these men- revile the things which they do not understand
and /things which they know by instinct
(like unreasoning animals)
By these things: not understanding, & instinct
they are destroyed Greek word---corrupt,
defile, destroy any productive ability! To lay waste!
5. Then there is yet another battle going on inside of every born again bel. only & that is between the flesh nature & Holy Spirit
Gal. 5:16-18
& those things which are by law in the conscience are described in vss 19-21.
But those things that are by Holy Spirit are in vs 22-23
Law—M-L or law in conscience in soul.
Remember these battles are going in the heart, soul, the real you, everyday!
6. Very important to understand is that the conscience of bel. is or can be completely influenced by Holy Spirit.
Rom. 9:1 I am telling /truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,
So the bel. must be in F/HS in order to have a “good” conscience.
Now all these need to be developed in a study of SAD
How the conscience can make ones life miserable or happy & content