Total Depravity
& the Grace of God
Understanding why the Gospel
I. Created in image of God Gen. 1:26-27
The Question is: how could that which is created in the image and made in the likeness of God come under Total Depravity?
II. Effect of sin on earth: in prehistoric world Gen. 1:1-2
III. Total-Depravity of man. Man’s fall into T-D Gen. 2:17
How did that creature, created in the image of God, change; how did he become Totally Depraved?
or: How sin changed that which was in image of God into Total-Depravity?
IV. Effect of T-D on the heart of man. Big 5
V. Other effects of T-D on man Rom. 3
VI. Effect of T-D on inter relationships of humans; effects of T-D on our relationship with One Another.
VII. The effect of T-D on the earth—Adam & Eve did not adversely effect the earth themselves. They did not cause a change in global warming or any other change.
The change on the earth came as a result of sin, and it came by God, due to the sins of man.
Gen. 1:28 & 2:15 & 3:17-19; Romans 8:19-22
As we will see this will not be resolved by man under various global warming policies of Green.
This will be resolved by Jesus Christ in His Millennium Kingdom.
VIII. God’s solution to problem of T-D
1. Intro.: 5 pt.s: man under sin; dead; UnRighteous & UnClean; not Justified before God & under Penalty of Sin & under the Power of Sin.
2. Problem of Free will.
3. God graciously gave 2 essentials:
1. God gave Faith to every human being
2. God gave the Object of Faith –His Son GJ 3:16
So what did God do to solve all these problems?
4. First & foremost, God does not make us a better person; God does not work on our T-D nature, to make us better, so He could approve of us & save.
Most people –Rel. spend their lives trying to be a better person—some Rel.; or some list of self improvement etc. not realizing that before God we are continually being corrupted, & we are worst in spite of all that we do to improve ourselves.
So God does not make us a better person.
5. God starts all over:
1. first God kills /old self—that’s right; God does not try to improve the T-D creature, He just crucifies it. Rom. 6:6 & Gal. 2:20
2. Then God raises us up a new creation!
Col. 3:1-10; Gal. 6:15; 2 Cor. 5:17
3. Then God gives a new birth:
Born again, born from above
We are born again!
1 Peter 1:3-5 & 22-23
We are born from above
GJ 3:3 & 7…unless one is born from above
Noting our heavenly citizenship Phil. 3:20
IX God solved /problem of T-D in /gift of His Son JC
Jesus Christ & the solution to T-D
X. Recovery from T-D
Gospel of grace: by faith in Jesus Christ
XI. After T-D
1. Intimacy with God
2. Confidence of no condemnation
3. No fear of the future
4. New relationship with the Scriptures
5. We can now pray
6. We can now serve to the Glory of God
7. We can now suffer for Jesus Christ