Just a little church.
Lots of pressure to just give up and just call it a day.
NOT important in the scheme of things.

Pattern in this Book
1. Teaching
2. Exhortation
3. Warning
4. Encouragement, Exhortation mixed with a little warning.
Don’t drift off course from your Salvation. 2:1-4
Don’t ‘harden your hearts’ and miss out on intimacy with God, entering into His Rest. 3:7-19
Something we are to fear: NOT walking by faith and missing out on entering God’s rest. 4:1-2, 5
Don’t let your ears get dull, lose your ability for discerning the Good from the Evil, losing out on your partnership with the Spirit and then stagnating in the Christian Walk. 5:11- 6:8
Stay away from willful sinning such as neglecting the walk of faith in the Spirit and thus not assembling where the True Gospel of Grace and Faith are taught. 10:25 – 29
Don’t lose sight of the importance of intimacy with God and living your life in the light of eternity as Esau did. 12:14 – 17
Pay attention to God, show him gratitude so that you can offer Him the sacrifice of Love. 12:25 – 13:1

Don’t drift off course from your Salvation. 2:1-4
Don’t ‘harden your hearts’ and miss out on intimacy with God, entering into His Rest. 3:7-19
Something we are to fear: NOT walking by faith and missing out on entering God’s rest. 4:1-2, 5
Don’t let your ears get dull, lose your ability from discerning the Good from the Evil, losing out on your partnership with the Spirit and then stagnating in the Christian Walk. 5:11- 6:8
Stay away from willful sinning such as neglecting the walk of faith in the Spirit and thus not assembling where the True Gospel of Grace and Faith are taught. 10:25 – 29
Don’t lose sight of the importance of intimacy with God and living your life in the light of eternity as Esau did. 12:14 – 17
Pay attention to God, show him gratitude so that you can offer Him the sacrifice of Love. (prayer) 12:25 – 13:1

Fifth Warning: Heb 10:25-6
Warning # V: Stay away from “WILLFUL” Sinning, Heb. 10:25
Stay away from willful sinning such as neglecting the walk of faith in the Spirit and thus not assembling where the True Gospel of Grace and Faith are taught. 10:25 – 29

Hebrews 10:26-27 26 For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment, and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries.
This is addressed to believers, NOT unbelievers
1. In chapter 6 we see these were believers, not unbelievers.
2. Chapter 10 is written to the same people of chapter 6.
3. They are called “sanctified” in verse 29.
4. They are “righteous ones” who belong to God, verse 38.
5. They had spiritual production in the past, vs. 32 - 34

Their problem is not Salvation 1, but Salvation 2.
It is turning from trusting the Holy Spirit to work in their lives, to trusting in the works of their own hands; going back to the Law.
Spiritually, they are in danger of being like the Children of Israel who wondered aimlessly in the Wilderness, never fulfilling God’s plan and goal for their lives.
Thus, they are in danger of dying having lived a useless, wasted life.

VS. 26 For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
The Problem: Willful Sinning.
“Willful”: e`kousi,wj, adverb (from Euripides down), voluntarily, willingly, of one's own accord: Heb. 10:26 (e`kousi,wj a`marta,nein (A. V. to sin willfully) is tacitly opposed to sins committed inconsiderately, and from ignorance or from weakness); 1 Pet. 5:2.*
To sin without compulsion. This is “deliberate sinning”
Is God saying that if we sin deliberately, there is no sacrifice for that sin?
If so, what does that mean?
It has to mean then that on the cross, Christ did not pay for sins we “deliberately” do or commit.
Where would this leave each and every believer?

This sinning continues after a “full knowledge” of the truth.
Look at 1 Tim. 2:4 where epignosij is used for the knowledge of Salvation.
In our passage, these believers have understood Salvation 1, how to be removed from the penalty of sin and Salvation 2, how to be removed from the power of sin.
Key Verse
NAS Hebrews 10:18 Now where there is forgiveness of these things, there is no longer any offering for sin.
No offering for sin is needed because there has already been an eternal offering for sin by Jesus Christ on the cross.
All sin has been paid for.

Their sin is really simple.
It is the refusal to pay attention to the convicting ministry of the Spirit and then the refusal to remember how they were saved in the first place and then walk in The Spirit in the same way. Faith.
They are about to or are actually going back to Law, some list, for the CWL. Quit!
They love the ritual, not the reality.
Results: missing out… vs. 35 - 39

Vs 17
The New Covenant cries out to us, the Holy Spirit witnesses to us that all of our sins are paid for.
God no longer remembers our sins.
Don’t worry though, other believers will.