iTunes Advanced Audio Stream

Message Scripture # Study Date
What is the gospel, what is grace, what are works, what is faith? Acts 20:24; Romans 4:16 34 Romans & The Gospel Special 5/20/2007
"A cabin in the corner of glory land" 336 The Second Sending 5/16/2007
The dragon & the child Revelation 12:4-5 231 Book of Revelation 5/15/2007
The gospel of grace Acts 20:24 33 Romans & The Gospel Special 5/13/2007
Believe God...believe me 335 The Second Sending 5/9/2007
The serpent dragon tannin 230 Book of Revelation 5/8/2007
The gospel of our Lord Jesus  2 Thessalonians 1:8 32 Romans & The Gospel Special 5/6/2007
Leviathan, Rahab, behemoth & tannin 229 Book of Revelation 5/1/2007
The gospel of the glory of Christ 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 31 Book of Romans 4/29/2007
What is faith? 334 The Second Sending 4/25/2007
The dragon throughout scripture 228 Book of Revelation 4/24/2007
Gospel of Jesus Christ Mark 1:1 30 Book of Romans 4/22/2007
Faith is the battle & your soul the battleground 333 The Second Sending 4/18/2007
The defense of grace Zechariah 3:2 227 Book of Revelation 4/17/2007
God’s fellow worker in the gospel of Christ I Thessalonians 3:2  29 Book of Romans 4/15/2007
A troubled heart  John 14:1 332 The Second Sending 4/11/2007
The accused, the accuser & the advocate Zechariah 3 226 Book of Revelation 4/10/2007
Significance of Christ's resurrection in our lives 28 Book of Romans 4/8/2007
Sending of His Son, sending of His Spirit 331 The Second Sending 4/4/2007
The dragon…the guarding cherub 225 Book of Revelation 4/3/2007
Pastor John Hintz:  Hebrews 13 43 Guest Speakers 4/1/2007
Change in history John 14 330 The Second Sending 3/28/2007
What is mythology? 224 Book of Revelation 3/27/2007
Gospel of Christ makes us one, eternally & now!  Philippians 1:27 27 Book of Romans 3/25/2007
We lay down our life – to give life! & Peter’s boast & Peter’s denial 329 The Second Sending 3/21/2007
Introduction to the dragon 223 Book of Revelation 3/20/2007
In one spirit Philippians 1:27 26 Book of Romans 3/18/2007
Will you lay down your life? 328 The Second Sending 3/14/2007
Two visions in conflict 222 Book of Revelation 3/13/2007
Stand firm and strive together for the faith of the gospel Philippians 1:27 25 Book of Romans 3/11/2007
Judas betrays – Peter denies & Jesus Christ loves John 13:36-38 327 The Second Sending 3/7/2007
Praise, rage, & hail Revelation 11:16-19 221 Book of Revelation 3/6/2007
How to live in harmony with the gospel of Christ? Philippians 1:27 24 Book of Romans 3/4/2007
Can others tell that you belong to Christ?  Like your husband or wife? John 13:35 326 The Second Sending 2/28/2007
And He shall reign forever & ever 220 Book of Revelation 2/27/2007
After salvation … what? Philippians 1:27 23 Book of Romans 2/25/2007
Mindset on sin vs. mindset on Christ’s love! 325 The Second Sending 2/21/2007
Marking the end of time! Revelation 11:15 219 Book of Revelation 2/20/2007
How to distort the gospel of Christ Galatians 1:6-7 22 Book of Romans 2/18/2007
God’s Valentine’s love 324 The Second Sending 2/14/2007
What does it mean to give glory to God? 218 Book of Revelation 2/13/2007
How do you measure up to the gospel of Christ? 2 Corinthians 10:12-17 21 Book of Romans 2/11/2007
Failure to love as Christ loved 323 The Second Sending 2/7/2007
When you hear “come up here” … 217 Book of Revelation 2/6/2007
Gospel of Christ is for You!  Now that you are saved! 2 Corinthians 9:10-15 20 Book of Romans 2/4/2007
New origin, new source, new foundation-what’s new?  Love! John 13:34 322 The Second Sending 1/31/2007
Them dry bones Revelation 11:11 216 Book of Revelation 1/30/2007
How to be a hindrance to the gospel of Christ 1 Corinthians 9:12 19 Book of Romans 1/28/2007
One thousand commands or just one:  which do you prefer? John 13:34 321 The Second Sending 1/24/2007
The devil’s christmas Revelation 11:8-10 215 Book of Revelation 1/23/2007
The gospel of Christ Romans 15:19 18 Book of Romans 1/21/2007
The new commandment  John 13:34 320 The Second Sending 1/17/2007
Death of the witnesses but not of the witness Revelation 11:7 214 Book of Revelation 1/16/2007
Moses & Joshua; Elijah & Elisha; Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit! John 13:33-34 319 The Second Sending 1/10/2007
What’s with the olive trees and lamp stands? Revelation 11:4 213 Book of Revelation 1/9/2007
The gospel of His Son—now the battle starts! Romans 1:9 17 Book of Romans 1/7/2007
What happens AFTER His departure? John 13:33-34 318 The Second Sending 1/3/2007
Two witnesses:  their ministry, their dress & their character Revelation 11:3-4 212 Book of Revelation 1/2/2007
Peace of God; peace with God 1 New Year's Eve 2007 12/31/2006
The gospel of the power of God 2 Timothy 1:8 16 Book of Romans 12/31/2006
The Son of Man glorifies God John 13:32 317 The Second Sending 12/27/2006
Rise of religion in tribulation – man loves religion 211 Book of Revelation 12/26/2006
Since there is a kingdom, where is the King? Matthew 2 15 Book of Romans 12/24/2006
The glorification of God John 13:31 316 The Second Sending 12/20/2006
Rebuilding the temple 210 Book of Revelation 12/19/2006
The glorious gospel of God 1 Timothy 1:11 14 Book of Romans 12/17/2006
Are emotions sins? 315 The Second Sending 12/13/2006
Preparation for the 7th trumpet:  the temple Revelation 11 209 Book of Revelation 12/12/2006
No charge for the gospel of God 13 Book of Romans 12/10/2006
The gospel of God is how to be acceptable to God Romans 15 12 Book of Romans 12/3/2006
I in you, you in me ... 314 The Second Sending 11/29/2006
Sweet & sour divine food 208 Book of Revelation 11/28/2006
Gospel of God is being acceptable with God Romans 15:15-16 11 Book of Romans 11/26/2006
Thanksgiving special:  "Gratitude & Thanksgiving" Psalm 136 313 The Second Sending 11/22/2006
Can you keep a secret? 207 Book of Revelation 11/21/2006
Why it is called:  “The gospel of God” 10 Book of Romans 11/19/2006
Who is sufficient to be God 312 The Second Sending 11/15/2006
Six sins of society without God 206 Book of Revelation 11/14/2006
The gospel of God 9 Book of Romans 11/12/2006
What is the source of your happiness on election day? John 13:17 311 The Second Sending 11/8/2006
Six sins of the tribulation 205 Book of Revelation 11/7/2006
The gospel of the kingdom 8 Book of Romans 11/5/2006
Christ is our example 310 The Second Sending 11/1/2006
Angels from the abyss & 4 from the Euphrates 204 Book of Revelation 10/31/2006
The gospel of promise  Table of content 7 Book of Romans 10/29/2006
Will you wash someone else’s feet? 309 The Second Sending 10/25/2006
Power is effective only to extent of its influence! 203 Book of Revelation 10/24/2006
Are you set aside for the gospel? 6 Book of Romans 10/22/2006
Do you know what God is doing to you? John 13:12 308 The Second Sending 10/18/2006
Five falls of Satan Revelation 9:1 202 Book of Revelation 10/17/2006
Paul, a messenger of the gospel of God, sent with that authority Romans 1:1 5 Book of Romans 10/15/2006
Have you had your feet washed?  307 The Second Sending 10/11/2006
A star fell from heaven 201 Book of Revelation 10/10/2006
Called by Jesus Christ for the mission of the gospel Romans 1:1 4 Book of Romans 10/8/2006
The relationship of faith and hope 42 Guest Speakers 10/1/2006
I sin, you sin, we all sin 306 The Second Sending 9/27/2006
Setting up the third battle Revelation 9 200 Book of Revelation 9/26/2006
Paul/Saul - Inner conflict Romans 1:1 3 Book of Romans 9/24/2006
Peter does it again, part 2 John 13:8-9 305 The Second Sending 9/20/2006
The eagle and the phoenix 199 Book of Revelation 9/19/2006
Romans answers Job 2 Book of Romans 9/17/2006
Peter does it again! John 13:8 304 The Second Sending 9/13/2006
Just who is God talking to in the sound of the trumpets? Revelation 8:8-13 198 Book of Revelation 9/12/2006
Message of Romans 1 Book of Romans 9/10/2006
He’s done it all before! 197 Book of Revelation 9/5/2006
I will Trust Your Love 8 Challenge of Faith 9/3/2006
Reality in contrast to the past Psalm 44:9 7 Challenge of Faith 8/27/2006
God our help in ages past Philippians 1, Psalms 44 6 Challenge of Faith 8/20/2006
Unity in the Spirit 5 Challenge of Faith 8/13/2006
"The proof is in the pudding" Romans, Psalms, Matthew 4 Challenge of Faith 8/6/2006
The manifestation of faith 3 Challenge of Faith 7/30/2006
The process of faith 2 Challenge of Faith 7/23/2006
Prayer that incites God to action 1 Challenge of Faith 7/16/2006
Plow, sow & reap Job 4:8 98 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/12/2006
First trumpet:  God speaking to Satan Revelation 8:6-7 196 Book of Revelation 7/11/2006
Ignorance + arrogance John 13:7-8 303 The Second Sending 7/9/2006
Freedom according to documents - Communion 100 Memorial to the Messiah 7/2/2006
A time for prayer, behind the scenes:  sin and faith, the impression of Christ and reality 97 Book of Job:  First Things First 6/28/2006
The seventh seal, silence, prayer and much incense Revelation 8 195 Book of Revelation 6/27/2006
Opposition to the servitude of Jesus Christ John 13:8 302 The Second Sending 6/25/2006
A special prayer 96 Book of Job:  First Things First 6/21/2006
Past determines the future Zephaniah 1 194 Book of Revelation 6/20/2006
Missionary report of Mexico 301 The Second Sending 6/18/2006
Missionary Ian McGrath:  The riches of glory Ephesians 1:18; Colossians 2:2 300 The Second Sending 6/11/2006
Feet wiped with the towel John 13:1-5 299 The Second Sending 6/4/2006
Most people spend their entire lives – plowing! Job 4:8 95 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/31/2006
Your money is no good on the Day of the Lord Zephaniah 1:13-18 193 Book of Revelation 5/30/2006
From Job to John: from works to grace! Job 4; John 13 298 The Second Sending 5/28/2006
“Who ever perished being innocent?” Job 4:7-8 94 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/24/2006
Get off your lees! Zephaniah 1:12 192 Book of Revelation 5/23/2006
Who is the greatest? John 13:8; Luke 22:26 297 The Second Sending 5/21/2006
The foundation of the wisdom of Job’s 3 friends Job 4:7-8 93 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/17/2006
Adding works to grace Zephaniah 1:9-11 191 Book of Revelation 5/16/2006
Honoring your mother; imitating Christ! Deuteronomy 5:16; Matthew 23:11 296 The Second Sending 5/14/2006
In what is your confidence?  In what is your hope? Job 4:6 92 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/10/2006
The sacrifice and the guest Zephaniah 1:7-8 190 Book of Revelation 5/9/2006
What is the foot washing all about? John 13:4-5 295 The Second Sending 5/7/2006
Watch out for ‘The Plague’ when comforting others! Job 16:3; Galatians 6:1 91 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/3/2006
Day of the Lord Zephaniah 1:7 189 Book of Revelation 5/2/2006
Mindset on the way to worship!! John 13:4 294 The Second Sending 4/30/2006
What type of comfort do you give? Job 4:5, 16:2 90 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/26/2006
Don’t turn back, seek the Lord … be silent Zephaniah 1:6-7 188 Book of Revelation 4/25/2006
Know your origin, trust the sovereignty of God John 13:3 293 The Second Sending 4/23/2006
Why God inflicts pain and how He heals Job 5:18; 1 Peter 2:21 89 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/19/2006
You cannot serve man & God Zephaniah 1:5 187 Book of Revelation 4/18/2006
The great healing 1 Peter 2:24 1 Easter 2006 4/16/2006
God wounds and God heals Job 5:18 88 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/12/2006
Don’t mix faith and works Zephaniah 1:5; 2 Chronicles 33 186 Book of Revelation 4/11/2006
Faith and the inspiration, preservation, accumulation, and illumination of the Bible by God John 13 292 The Second Sending 4/9/2006
Strengthening weak hands and feeble knees Job 4:3-4 87 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/5/2006
God will cut off the remnant of Baal Zephaniah 185 Book of Revelation 4/4/2006
In the night in which He was betrayed 291 The Second Sending 4/2/2006
Weak hands and feeble knees 86 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/29/2006
The creation of man, the removal of man 184 Book of Revelation 3/28/2006
I've got to say something 85 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/22/2006
Be silent so He can fight your battles 183 Book of Revelation 3/21/2006
Most of message missing 290 The Second Sending 3/19/2006
Wine analogous to the gospel 99 Memorial to the Messiah 3/12/2006
Three questions 84 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/8/2006
God will wipe away the tears 182 Book of Revelation 3/7/2006
Melchizedek brought forth bread and wine 98 Memorial to the Messiah 3/5/2006
Why suffering? 83 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/1/2006
Robes washed in blood 181 Book of Revelation 2/28/2006
Having loved, He loved to the end 289 The Second Sending 2/26/2006
Can't figure it out - rest 82 Book of Job:  First Things First 2/22/2006
Don't waste your time, worship in spirit & truth 180 Book of Revelation 2/21/2006
The love of Christ 288 The Second Sending 2/19/2006
To grasp the Bible we have to grasp Job 81 Book of Job:  First Things First 2/15/2006
True worship or false worship 179 Book of Revelation 2/14/2006
The relationship of Christ 287 The Second Sending 2/12/2006
The pain of the crisis of faith 80 Book of Job:  First Things First 2/8/2006
Response to His grace 178 Book of Revelation 2/7/2006
Three observations of Christ 286 The Second Sending 2/5/2006
Why does God hedge in believers? 79 Book of Job:  First Things First 2/1/2006
Results of evangelism 177 Book of Revelation 1/31/2006
When history changes 285 The Second Sending 1/29/2006
Job's friends sound good, but speak falsely! 78 Book of Job:  First Things First 1/25/2006
Evangelism & prayer 176 Book of Revelation 1/24/2006
Grasping the Bible 284 The Second Sending 1/22/2006
Uncovering a hidden treasure 77 Book of Job:  First Things First 1/18/2006
Signed, sealed & ready for delivery Revelation 7:3 175 Book of Revelation 1/17/2006
Commands command 283 The Second Sending 1/15/2006
How you live - how you die 76 Book of Job:  First Things First 1/11/2006
Who is able to stand? 174 Book of Revelation 1/10/2006
He did not come to judge so why should you 282 The Second Sending 1/8/2006
Oh wretched man that I this what Job is saying 75 Book of Job:  First Things First 1/4/2006
Falling stars, cast figs...what is going on? 173 Book of Revelation 1/3/2006
Choice between two laws 2 New Year's 2006 1/1/2006
Living under law 1 New Year's 2006 12/31/2005
The dragon could not stop the birth 3 Christmas 2005 12/28/2005
Israel was a pregnant nation for 2000 years 2 Christmas 2005 12/27/2005
Was it really a silent night, a holy night 1 Christmas 2005 12/25/2005
Why must Job suffer?  Why must Christ suffer? 74 Book of Job:  First Things First 12/21/2005
“The sky is falling, the sky is falling” 172 Book of Revelation 12/20/2005
Coming out of the darkness John 12:46 281 The Second Sending 12/18/2005
Purpose of Christmas John 12:46 280 The Second Sending 12/11/2005
Revenge!  Revenge!  Oh, how sweet is revenge! Revelation 6:10 171 Book of Revelation 12/6/2005
Seeing the love of God John 12:45 279 The Second Sending 12/4/2005
From Hades to Heaven Revelation 6 170 Book of Revelation 11/29/2005
No one comes to the Father but through me! John 12:44 278 The Second Sending 11/27/2005
Thanksgiving Proclamation 73 Book of Job:  First Things First 11/23/2005
The last two horses of the Apocalypse Revelation 6 169 Book of Revelation 11/22/2005
The courage of faith! John 12:42 277 The Second Sending 11/20/2005
Why was I born? (first part of message missing) Job 3:10 72 Book of Job:  First Things First 11/16/2005
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse:  first rider Revelation 6 168 Book of Revelation 11/15/2005
'Ground' versus ‘Cause' understanding Romans 10:9-10 Romans 10:9-10 276 The Second Sending 11/13/2005
Another name of the seven headed dragon 71 Book of Job:  First Things First 11/9/2005
Another perfect seven in Revelation 167 Book of Revelation 11/8/2005
The relationship of righteousness and salvation 275 The Second Sending 11/6/2005
Four directions of the cross work of Christ! Revelation 5:10 166 Book of Revelation 11/1/2005
What is it that saves? 274 The Second Sending 10/30/2005
God and Rahab:  Conflict of the age 70 Book of Job:  First Things First 10/26/2005
A new song! 165 Book of Revelation 10/25/2005
What do you have to believe to be saved? 273 The Second Sending 10/23/2005
God’s conflict with the sea and the dragon 69 Book of Job:  First Things First 10/19/2005
The mouth and the heart 164 Book of Revelation 10/18/2005
Relation of mouth and soul 272 The Second Sending 10/16/2005
Confess and believe 271 The Second Sending 10/9/2005
His love and faithfulness go together 68 Book of Job:  First Things First 10/5/2005
Are your prayers a sweet incense to God? 163 Book of Revelation 10/4/2005
Confess, repent, and believe 270 The Second Sending 10/2/2005
When you need His loving kindness, He is faithful 67 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/28/2005
Who is worthy? 162 Book of Revelation 9/27/2005
Two kinds of righteousness 269 The Second Sending 9/25/2005
Who is Rahab? 66 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/21/2005
God speaks openly, God speaks secretly 161 Book of Revelation 9/20/2005
Spiritual lessons from Katrina 268 The Second Sending 9/18/2005
Be warned 65 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/14/2005
Revelation 5 160 Book of Revelation 9/13/2005
What exactly is required to be saved? 267 The Second Sending 9/11/2005
A tribute to Maxine Evans 6 911 9/7/2005
Mythology and the Bible, part 2 64 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/7/2005
Do you praise God in your prayers? 159 Book of Revelation 9/6/2005
What all do I have to do to be saved? 266 The Second Sending 9/4/2005
Mythology and the Bible 63 Book of Job:  First Things First 8/31/2005
Four living creatures 158 Book of Revelation 8/30/2005
Power of intimidation 265 The Second Sending 8/28/2005
Glory around the throne Revelation 4:3-6 157 Book of Revelation 8/23/2005
What is faith? John 12:42-43 264 The Second Sending 8/21/2005
Tan-nim & Leviathan, who are they? 62 Book of Job:  First Things First 8/17/2005
One sitting on the throne Revelation 4:2-3 156 Book of Revelation 8/16/2005
Faith in Christ does not give courage to live for Christ John 12:42 263 The Second Sending 8/14/2005
Another seven headed dragon Job 3:8 61 Book of Job:  First Things First 8/10/2005
After these things Revelation 3:21-22 155 Book of Revelation 8/9/2005
Koinonia 262 The Second Sending 8/7/2005
Who is Leviathan? Job 3:8 60 Book of Job:  First Things First 8/3/2005
Church is over Revelation 3:21-22 154 Book of Revelation 8/2/2005
When you do not understand, do you judge God? John 12:41 261 The Second Sending 7/31/2005
Enter the dragon Job 3:8 59 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/27/2005
Not everyone will open the door Revelation 3:20 153 Book of Revelation 7/26/2005
Muslim vs. Christianity 260 The Second Sending 7/24/2005
A country & western song! Job 3:8 58 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/20/2005
Who is bringing the food? Revelation 3:20 152 Book of Revelation 7/19/2005
Hearts of stone 259 The Second Sending 7/17/2005
I wish I'd never been born Job 3:1-3 57 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/13/2005
Indwelling of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Revelation 3:20 151 Book of Revelation 7/12/2005
Remedy to a hardened heart 258 The Second Sending 7/10/2005
From praising to cursing 56 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/6/2005
Look at me Revelation 3:20 150 Book of Revelation 7/5/2005
Freedom and friendship 257 The Second Sending 7/3/2005
Friendship:  a blessing or a curse 55 Book of Job:  First Things First 6/29/2005
Who's knocking at the door? 149 Book of Revelation 6/28/2005
Who hardened Pharaoh's heart 256 The Second Sending 6/26/2005
Back to Laodicea 148 Book of Revelation 6/21/2005
Father's Day:  The brevity of time 255 The Second Sending 6/19/2005
Let silence be your wisdom 54 Book of Job:  First Things First 6/15/2005
Summary of Hebrews 12:1-13 Hebrews 12:1-13 147 Book of Revelation 6/14/2005
Calvin vs. God 254 The Second Sending 6/12/2005
Graduation challenge:  two treasures in you 253 The Second Sending 6/5/2005
Silence and divine discipline Job 2:13 53 Book of Job:  First Things First 6/1/2005
Aorist tense vs. present tense Hebrews 12:13 146 Book of Revelation 5/31/2005
Here I am - send me 252 The Second Sending 5/29/2005
A time to be silent and a time to speak Job 2:13 52 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/25/2005
How do you strengthen weak hands and knees Hebrews 12:12 145 Book of Revelation 5/24/2005
Rejection of the gospel throughout history John 12:39 251 The Second Sending 5/22/2005
When silence is golden Job 2:13 51 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/18/2005
Exercise in God's gym Hebrews 12:12 144 Book of Revelation 5/17/2005
How you reach a point where you can not believe John 12:39-41 250 The Second Sending 5/15/2005
Sorry comforters Job 2:12 50 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/11/2005
Trained in God's gym Hebrews 12:12 143 Book of Revelation 5/10/2005
Mother's Day special 249 The Second Sending 5/8/2005
Three friends Job 2:11 49 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/4/2005
The immediate versus the future Hebrews 12:11 142 Book of Revelation 5/3/2005
We've a message for the world, but will they listen? John 12:38 248 The Second Sending 5/1/2005
Job answers his wife Job 2:10 48 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/27/2005
To share His holiness - age old question, how? 141 Book of Revelation 4/26/2005
On missions 37 Guest Speakers 4/24/2005
Words from a woman Job 2:9 47 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/20/2005
Why discipline? Hebrews 12:10 140 Book of Revelation 4/19/2005
When you see Him lifted up John 12, Isaiah 52 247 The Second Sending 4/17/2005
Job's wife Job 2:9 46 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/13/2005
Live! Hebrews 12:9 139 Book of Revelation 4/12/2005
How do you nip it in the bud? John 12 246 The Second Sending 4/10/2005
What we look like to God while we are in the flesh Job 2:6-7 45 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/6/2005
Why do we have fathers? Hebrews 12:7 138 Book of Revelation 4/5/2005
Signs of love John 12:37 245 The Second Sending 4/3/2005
Satan's tactics & why Job 2:5 44 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/30/2005
Welcome back, welcome home Hebrews 12:6 137 Book of Revelation 3/29/2005
The fall & rise of mankind Luke 2:25 244 The Second Sending 3/27/2005
The fall & rise of mankind Luke 2:25 1 Easter 2005 3/27/2005
Skin for skin Job 2:4 43 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/23/2005
Two attitudes toward divine discipline Hebrews 12:5-6 136 Book of Revelation 3/22/2005
Jesus Christ retreats to private life John 12:37 243 The Second Sending 3/20/2005
Suffering without cause Job 2:3 42 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/16/2005
How we reject the love of God Proverbs 3:11 135 Book of Revelation 3/15/2005
Jesus Christ led by the Holy Spirit John 12:36 242 The Second Sending 3/13/2005
Prayer that incites God to action Job 2:3 41 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/9/2005
Two attitudes toward divine discipline Hebrews 12:5 134 Book of Revelation 3/8/2005
Light vs. darkness all through history! John 12:35-36 241 The Second Sending 3/6/2005
One word for Satan, same word for God! Job 2:3 40 Book of Job:  First Things First 3/2/2005
Divine discipline is a family affair! Hebrews 12:5 133 Book of Revelation 3/1/2005
Spiritual eclipse John 12:35-36 240 The Second Sending 2/27/2005
Inciting God to ruin a believer 39 Book of Job:  First Things First 2/23/2005
Three words to describe divine discipline! Hebrews 12:5 132 Book of Revelation 2/22/2005
The Light from Genesis to Revelation John 12:34-35 239 The Second Sending 2/20/2005
Why study Job? Job 2:3 38 Book of Job:  First Things First 2/16/2005
You are in a battle - stand still 131 Book of Revelation 2/15/2005
I am not going to answer your questions! 238 The Second Sending 2/13/2005
The third day 37 Book of Job:  First Things First 2/9/2005
Why look at Jesus Christ now? 130 Book of Revelation 2/8/2005
Confused by doctrine? 237 The Second Sending 2/6/2005
The warning of verse 22 36 Book of Job:  First Things First 2/2/2005
Jesus Christ as an example 129 Book of Revelation 2/1/2005
The Law confuses 236 The Second Sending 1/30/2005
The Tetragrammaton & you 35 Book of Job:  First Things First 1/26/2005
How to walk by faith & avoid divine discipline 128 Book of Revelation 1/25/2005
How does Christ draw us to Himself? 235 The Second Sending 1/23/2005
God imputes life, otherwise just dirt 34 Book of Job:  First Things First 1/19/2005
Here is some sound advice 127 Book of Revelation 1/18/2005
Christ up!  Satan down 234 The Second Sending 1/16/2005
Naked I was born! 33 Book of Job:  First Things First 1/12/2005
How well is your eyesight? 126 Book of Revelation 1/11/2005
What is Christ doing for me today? 233 The Second Sending 1/9/2005
Job lost everything in one day 32 Book of Job:  First Things First 1/5/2005
Start buying 125 Book of Revelation 1/4/2005
Your name or God’s name? 232 The Second Sending 1/2/2005
Now abideth faith, hope, and love 1 New Year's Eve 2005 12/31/2004
Jesus Christ gives some good advice 124 Book of Revelation 12/29/2004
Hope for the poor, the blind & the naked 123 Book of Revelation 12/28/2004
The Christmas story in Job, part 2 3 Christmas 2004 12/26/2004
Christmas promises 2 Christmas 2004 12/21/2004
The Christmas story in Job, part 1 1 Christmas 2004 12/19/2004
Job became poor in one day 31 Book of Job:  First Things First 12/15/2004
What Jesus Christ says about the church 122 Book of Revelation 12/14/2004
What a short prayer! 231 The Second Sending 12/12/2004
Joining with God in prayer! 230 The Second Sending 12/5/2004
Three days of Job 30 Book of Job:  First Things First 12/1/2004
What the church says about itself 121 Book of Revelation 11/30/2004
Prayer of Jesus Christ John 12:27-28 229 The Second Sending 11/28/2004
Psalm of thanksgiving 1 Chronicles 16 29 Book of Job:  First Things First 11/24/2004
What Jesus Christ says about Himself 120 Book of Revelation 11/23/2004
In prayer preparation you form your prayer John 12:27 228 The Second Sending 11/21/2004
Why does God turn Job over to Satan? Job 1:11-12 28 Book of Job:  First Things First 11/17/2004
To the church of Laodicea Revelation 3:14 119 Book of Revelation 11/16/2004
Purpose of prayer preparation John 12:27 227 The Second Sending 11/14/2004
Can you lose crowns given by God? Revelation 3:11-12 118 Book of Revelation 11/9/2004
Jesus Christ in prayer preparation John 12:27 226 The Second Sending 11/7/2004
Faith on trial Job 1:9-11 27 Book of Job:  First Things First 11/3/2004
He's got the whole world in His hands Revelation 3:10 117 Book of Revelation 11/2/2004
Do you know who you are? John 12:26 225 The Second Sending 10/31/2004
Satan bites the bait Job 1:8-11 26 Book of Job:  First Things First 10/27/2004
"An hour long test" John 17:15 116 Book of Revelation 10/26/2004
How did Christ love? John 12:26 224 The Second Sending 10/24/2004
A battle of wisdom Job 1:8 25 Book of Job:  First Things First 10/20/2004
Out from the tribulation or through the tribulation Revelation  3:10 115 Book of Revelation 10/19/2004
What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ? John 12:25-26 223 The Second Sending 10/17/2004
Both God and Satan roam the earth Job 1:7 24 Book of Job:  First Things First 10/13/2004
All will know that I love you Revelation 3:8-9 114 Book of Revelation 10/12/2004
Do you really want to be like Christ? John 12:25 222 The Second Sending 10/10/2004
How we are devoured 1 Peter 5:8 23 Book of Job:  First Things First 10/6/2004
Keep my word Revelation 3:8 113 Book of Revelation 10/5/2004
Love can not live alone John 12:24 221 The Second Sending 10/3/2004
How Satan got his name Genesis 3:24 22 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/29/2004
Why was the key of David given to Jesus Christ? Revelation 3:7-8 112 Book of Revelation 9/28/2004
Gentiles think differently than Jews John 12:24-26 220 The Second Sending 9/26/2004
Satan:  the guard Ezekiel 28:14 21 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/22/2004
The church in Philadelphia Revelation 3:7 111 Book of Revelation 9/21/2004
What a difference an hour makes John 12:20-23 219 The Second Sending 9/19/2004
The angelic creation Job 1:6 20 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/15/2004
The greatest confession Revelation 3:3-5 110 Book of Revelation 9/14/2004
Without the Holy Spirit we incorrectly understand 218 The Second Sending 9/12/2004
What is this Satan Job 1:6 19 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/8/2004
Call to spiritual restoration Revelation 3:3 109 Book of Revelation 9/7/2004
Lessons from the vineyard! 217 The Second Sending 9/5/2004
Sufficiency of God vs. sufficiency of creature 18 Book of Job:  First Things First 9/1/2004
What remains is what you build on Revelation 3:2 108 Book of Revelation 8/31/2004
Get your scripture straight 216 The Second Sending 8/29/2004
Job is afraid that God will blast his children 17 Book of Job:  First Things First 8/25/2004
Holy Spirit & spiritual production Revelation 3:1-2 107 Book of Revelation 8/24/2004
Jesus Christ is the Word of God 215 The Second Sending 8/22/2004
Animals carry the gospel 16 Book of Job:  First Things First 8/18/2004
The chameleon Christians of Sardis Revelation 3:1 106 Book of Revelation 8/17/2004
Preparation for humble entrance into Jerusalem 214 The Second Sending 8/15/2004
Jesus must die, Lazarus must die, Christians must die; documentation of separation 213 The Second Sending 8/8/2004
Fearing God & running from evil 15 Book of Job:  First Things First 8/4/2004
Deep things of God and the morning star Revelation 2:24-29 105 Book of Revelation 8/3/2004
Mary’s defender----and yours 212 The Second Sending 8/1/2004
Elihu’s solution to Job’s dilemma 14 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/28/2004
Man looks on the outside, God looks on the inside-where do you look? Revelation 2:23 104 Book of Revelation 7/27/2004
Why is love of money the root of all evil? 211 The Second Sending 7/25/2004
How do we know Job was not blameless, nor was he upright? 13 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/21/2004
A second call to repentance 103 Book of Revelation 7/20/2004
One can of Judas odoriferous spray! 210 The Second Sending 7/18/2004
There was a man in the land of the 7 headed dragon 12 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/14/2004
The kindness of God leads to repentance! 102 Book of Revelation 7/13/2004
What does your love smell like? 209 The Second Sending 7/11/2004
Job’s problem - not Job’s praise 11 Book of Job:  First Things First 7/7/2004
The dangers of toleration 101 Book of Revelation 7/6/2004
4th of July - Results of celebrating under the Abrahamic cov’t & Mosaic cov’t 97 Memorial to the Messiah 7/4/2004
Man likes to evaluate God 10 Book of Job:  First Things First 6/30/2004
The false teacher Jezebel 100 Book of Revelation 6/29/2004
Day 10 of the last 10 days 208 The Second Sending 6/27/2004
Understanding Job Job 1:1-3 9 Book of Job:  First Things First 6/23/2004
They were running well, what went wrong? 99 Book of Revelation 6/22/2004
Jesus Christ gets out of town 207 The Second Sending 6/20/2004
Behavior of a Christian 98 Book of Revelation 6/15/2004
Because of love-gathered into one! 206 The Second Sending 6/13/2004
Old wine & crumbled bread 96 Memorial to the Messiah 6/6/2004
Job & the flow of the entire Bible Isaiah 43:11-12 8 Book of Job:  First Things First 6/2/2004
The woman from Thyatira Revelation 2:18-29 97 Book of Revelation 6/1/2004
One must die!  Why? 205 The Second Sending 5/30/2004
Man is condemned.  Will anyone come to his defense? Job 25 7 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/26/2004
Repent!  A call of love! Revelation 2:16-17 96 Book of Revelation 5/25/2004
Thirty year anniversary – Pastor’s prayer 204 The Second Sending 5/23/2004
Born of a woman?  You've had it! Job 15:14 6 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/19/2004
Repent!  Repent!  Ok, ok, now what? 95 Book of Revelation 5/18/2004
What are you going to do about Jesus Christ? 203 The Second Sending 5/16/2004
No one can do it!  Hopelessness Job 9:2, 14:4 5 Book of Job:  First Things First 5/12/2004
Pergamum "diagnosis" 94 Book of Revelation 5/11/2004
Mother’s Day 202 The Second Sending 5/9/2004
Missionary Ralph LaRosa:  The Philippines 36 Guest Speakers 5/5/2004
Revelation church of Pergamum 93 Book of Revelation 5/4/2004
Pharisees & Sadducees:  Enemies become friends 201 The Second Sending 5/2/2004
The fundamental question Job 4:17, 8:3 4 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/28/2004
Cain, Balaam, Korah:  Why out of order? 31 Book of Jude 4/27/2004
Jesus Christ controls history 200 The Second Sending 4/25/2004
The driving question of the Bible Job 4:17 3 Book of Job:  First Things First 4/21/2004
Noah, Raven, Dove:  God, Satan, Jesus Christ Genesis 8 30 Book of Jude 4/20/2004
Hostile rejection 199 The Second Sending 4/18/2004
Witness for the Resurrection 15 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 4/14/2004
Love after the Resurrection 14 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 4/13/2004
The Resurrection 13 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 4/11/2004
Crucifixion 12 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 4/7/2004
Trials of Christ 11 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 4/6/2004
Arrest and trials 10 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 4/4/2004
Crossing the Kidron 9 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/31/2004
Upper room events 8 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/30/2004
Day 6:  Day of preparation 7 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/28/2004
Day 7:  The gospel 6 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/24/2004
Day 7:  Teaching about the fig tree 5 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/23/2004
Day 8:  Cursing of the fig tree 4 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/21/2004
Day 9:  Entrance into Jerusalem 3 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/17/2004
Day 9:  The King comes to Jerusalem 2 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/16/2004
Day 10:  Supper at Bethany - love & rejection 1 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/14/2004
Pastor John Hintz:  Faith in the Holy Spirit Romans 198 The Second Sending 3/7/2004
Why suffering? Romans 1:17 98 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/3/2004
Noah waited & waited, how long will you wait? Genesis 8 29 Book of Jude 3/2/2004
What really divides the human race? John 11:45-46 197 The Second Sending 2/29/2004
97 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/25/2004
The dove does what man cannot do! Genesis 8 28 Book of Jude 2/24/2004
Love for friendship costs John 11:38-44 196 The Second Sending 2/22/2004
By faith, not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:6-7 96 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/18/2004
God's conflict Genesis 8 27 Book of Jude 2/17/2004
The 7th sign is life John 11:41-44 195 The Second Sending 2/15/2004
In Jesus Christ you live by faith 2 Corinthians 5:6-7 95 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/11/2004
God controls the deep, sends out the raven Genesis 8 26 Book of Jude 2/10/2004
Knowledge and prayer John 11:41-42 194 The Second Sending 2/8/2004
You possess every spiritual blessing Ephesians 1:3 94 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/4/2004
Restoration and the flood Genesis 1 & 8 25 Book of Jude 2/3/2004
The bread of comfort Jeremiah 16:7 95 Memorial to the Messiah 2/1/2004
The deepest craving of man Jude 1:10 93 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/28/2004
The flood and past civilizations Jude 1:11-13 24 Book of Jude 1/27/2004
After we have prayed then what? 193 The Second Sending 1/25/2004
The basic instinct of performance Colossians 2:9-10 92 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/21/2004
The three battles Jude 1:11-13 23 Book of Jude 1/20/2004
What prayer can do Job 2:3 192 The Second Sending 1/18/2004
In Jesus Christ you are complete Colossians 2:9-10 91 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/14/2004
False teachers look good Jude 1:11 22 Book of Jude 1/13/2004
Prayer incites God to act “without cause” Job 2:3 191 The Second Sending 1/11/2004
False teachers are hard to detect Jude 1:1-11 21 Book of Jude 1/6/2004
Resolve to pray John 11:41 190 The Second Sending 1/4/2004
Don't mess with God’s counsel Job 42:1-3 2 Book of Job:  First Things First 12/31/2003
First thing God said to man Job 4:17 1 Book of Job:  First Things First 12/31/2003
Why can't I see the glory of God in my life? John 11:39-40 189 The Second Sending 12/28/2003
Christmas supper Luke 2 1 Christmas 2003 12/21/2003
Who you are in the Holy Spirit John 3:6 90 Not S.A.D. In Christ 12/17/2003
Trail of the false teachers Jude 1:11 20 Book of Jude 12/16/2003
Man does what he can do, Jesus Christ does what man can't do John 11:38-39 188 The Second Sending 12/14/2003
You in God and God in you 1 Thessalonians 1:1 89 Not S.A.D. In Christ 12/10/2003
The rebellion of Korah Jude 1:11 19 Book of Jude 12/9/2003
A prelude to glory John 11:1-37 187 The Second Sending 12/7/2003
In Christ you are the light of the world Ephesians 5:8 88 Not S.A.D. In Christ 12/3/2003
The error of Balaam Jude 1:11 18 Book of Jude 12/2/2003
The weeping of Jesus Christ John 11:33-35 186 The Second Sending 11/30/2003
The way of Cain Jude 1:11 17 Book of Jude 11/25/2003
Weeping before God John 11:32-35 185 The Second Sending 11/23/2003
You are of the household of God Ephesians 2:19 87 Not S.A.D. In Christ 11/19/2003
God's love makes foolish the wisdom of man Jude 1:10-11 16 Book of Jude 11/18/2003
From sadness to comfort and strength John 11:26-32 184 The Second Sending 11/16/2003
Live under the law and die Jude 1:1-11 15 Book of Jude 11/11/2003
What is faith? John 11:25-27 183 The Second Sending 11/9/2003
Rejoice in your heavenly citizenship Ephesians 1:18 86 Not S.A.D. In Christ 11/5/2003
By instinct we expect punishment or reward Jude 1:10 14 Book of Jude 11/4/2003
Law of performance and reward 182 The Second Sending 11/2/2003
We are objects of His peace, comfort, and intercession Colossians 3:15 85 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/29/2003
By instinct we know law and performance Jude 1:10 13 Book of Jude 10/28/2003
Martha's journey to faith alone John 11:23-25 181 The Second Sending 10/26/2003
Much more care of God Romans 5:9 84 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/22/2003
The basic instinct of man Jude 1:10 12 Book of Jude 10/21/2003
What's important in your life John 11:23-25 180 The Second Sending 10/19/2003
Believe what God says about you Ephesians 2:18 83 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/15/2003
The judicial scene and argument of words Jude 1:9 11 Book of Jude 10/14/2003
Don't let what you know get in the way of your faith John 11:21-24 179 The Second Sending 10/12/2003
In Jesus Christ you are free from the Law   82 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/8/2003
The body in context of spiritual warfare Jude 1:9 10 Book of Jude 10/7/2003
Doctrinal eclipse John 11:20-22 178 The Second Sending 10/5/2003
Who and what you are in Jesus Christ 81 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/1/2003
What false teachers do Jude 1:8-9 9 Book of Jude 9/30/2003
The eclipse of faith 177 The Second Sending 9/28/2003
Source of self worth   80 Not S.A.D. In Christ 9/24/2003
Fighting for faith Jude 1:8 8 Book of Jude 9/23/2003
Conditional faith   176 The Second Sending 9/21/2003
Can you be content with who you are in Christ? 79 Not S.A.D. In Christ 9/17/2003
Pastor Stewart Sichilongo from Zambia 7 Book of Jude 9/16/2003
Crisis of faith 175 The Second Sending 9/14/2003
You are reconciled to God by God   78 Not S.A.D. In Christ 9/10/2003
The perversion of false teachers Jude 1:7-8 6 Book of Jude 9/9/2003
Till He comes   94 Memorial to the Messiah 9/7/2003
Know, believe, and live who you are in Jesus Christ 77 Not S.A.D. In Christ 9/3/2003
What are you talking about Jude? 5 Book of Jude 9/2/2003
Martha runs to the Lord   174 The Second Sending 8/31/2003
Faith allows God to be glorified Jude 1:1-6 4 Book of Jude 8/26/2003
Facing death 173 The Second Sending 8/24/2003
The beginning of the end of SAD   76 Not S.A.D. In Christ 8/20/2003
Just trust Him during this battle of wisdom Jude 1:4-5 3 Book of Jude 8/19/2003
The faith God is looking for John 11:15 172 The Second Sending 8/17/2003
Breaking the deception of Satan 2 Corinthians 2:3-4 75 Not S.A.D. In Christ 8/13/2003
Cain and Job angry at God Jude 1:4 2 Book of Jude 8/12/2003
Speaking plainly, speaking secretly John 11:11-15 171 The Second Sending 8/10/2003
Salvation without regret 2 Corinthians 7:10 74 Not S.A.D. In Christ 8/6/2003
Contend for faith not with faith Jude 1:1-3 1 Book of Jude 8/5/2003
Are you worthy to partake? 93 Memorial to the Messiah 8/3/2003
Godly sorrow 73 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/30/2003
False teachers - the way of Balaam Revelation 2:14 92 Book of Revelation 7/29/2003
Who you are in the flesh John 11:5-10 170 The Second Sending 7/27/2003
Sorrow that saves 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 72 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/23/2003
Pastor John Hintz:  Our faith is all God wants Malachi 169 The Second Sending 7/22/2003
Pastor John Hintz:  Faith & grace vs. do & do Malachi  168 The Second Sending 7/20/2003
Freed from the past 71 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/16/2003
What’s wrong with Balaam? Revelation 2:14 91 Book of Revelation 7/15/2003
False guilt   70 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/9/2003
Doesn’t Balaam look good? Revelation 2:14 90 Book of Revelation 7/8/2003
Life, liberty, and property   92 Memorial to the Messiah 7/6/2003
Satan’s lie vs. God’s truth 69 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/2/2003
Where Satan dwells Revelation 2:13 89 Book of Revelation 7/1/2003
The declaration of Jesus Christ’s love John 11:5-6 167 The Second Sending 6/29/2003
God’s view of us   68 Not S.A.D. In Christ 6/25/2003
Pergamum’s diagnosis Revelation 2:13 88 Book of Revelation 6/24/2003
Not from but through John 11:4 166 The Second Sending 6/22/2003
The importance of our view of God 67 Not S.A.D. In Christ 6/18/2003
The church of Pergamum:  Emphasis wisdom Revelation 2:12-13 87 Book of Revelation 6/17/2003
God’s love for us John 11:3 165 The Second Sending 6/15/2003
Why the law - why Christ?   66 Not S.A.D. In Christ 6/11/2003
What’s it all about, Lord? Revelation 2:10-11 86 Book of Revelation 6/10/2003
The setting for the 7th miracle John 11 164 The Second Sending 6/8/2003
65 Not S.A.D. In Christ 6/4/2003
A tale of two churches Revelation 2:1-11 85 Book of Revelation 6/3/2003
A tale of two worlds 163 The Second Sending 5/25/2003
Spiritual arrogance   64 Not S.A.D. In Christ 5/21/2003
The time and place of rewards Revelation 2:8-10 84 Book of Revelation 5/20/2003
In symmetry with His love John 10:32-33 162 The Second Sending 5/18/2003
Introduction to arrogance 63 Not S.A.D. In Christ 5/14/2003
Be faithful Revelation 2:10 83 Book of Revelation 5/13/2003
Honor thy mother; “I and the Father are one” 161 The Second Sending 5/11/2003
You are not entitled to shame or guilt 2 Corinthians 2:6-8 62 Not S.A.D. In Christ 5/7/2003
The unseen realm affects you   82 Book of Revelation 5/6/2003
We are worthy through faith in the Holy Spirit, cont.   90 Memorial to the Messiah 5/4/2003
We are worthy through faith in the Holy Spirit 89 Memorial to the Messiah 5/4/2003
Introduction to guilt and shame 61 Not S.A.D. In Christ 4/30/2003
Do not fear Revelation 2:10 81 Book of Revelation 4/29/2003
The believer is a gift from God John 10:27-29 160 The Second Sending 4/27/2003
Jesus Christ knows your tribulation Revelation 2:9-10 80 Book of Revelation 4/22/2003
The resurrection 1 Easter 2003 4/20/2003
Spiritual love is God’s solution   60 Not S.A.D. In Christ 4/16/2003
Smyrna’s tribulation and poverty 79 Book of Revelation 4/15/2003
Three truths of Jesus Christ John 10:26-31 159 The Second Sending 4/13/2003
Jealousy and envy originate inside of us 59 Not S.A.D. In Christ 4/9/2003
Smyrna and the suffering of Jesus Christ   78 Book of Revelation 4/8/2003
Examine yourself 1 Corinthians 11:28 88 Memorial to the Messiah 4/6/2003
The stronghold of jealousy   58 Not S.A.D. In Christ 4/2/2003
Smyrna:  The suffering church Revelation 2:5-8 77 Book of Revelation 4/1/2003
They did not believe   158 The Second Sending 3/30/2003
The dragon head of hate 57 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/26/2003
Prescription:  remember, repent, repeat   76 Book of Revelation 3/25/2003
“It was winter” 157 The Second Sending 3/23/2003
Spiritual love is the solution to bitterness   56 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/19/2003
Diagnosis of the church of Ephesus 75 Book of Revelation 3/18/2003
Trust God for His love   156 The Second Sending 3/16/2003
Job’s bitterness of soul 55 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/12/2003
Results, means, and words Revelation 2:1 74 Book of Revelation 3/11/2003
Jesus Christ’s mission John 10:16-17 155 The Second Sending 3/9/2003
Bitterness and resentment   54 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/5/2003
Addressing the Church 73 Book of Revelation 3/4/2003
What makes us worthy? 1 Corinthians 11:27-28 87 Memorial to the Messiah 3/2/2003
The Helper   154 The Second Sending 2/23/2003
Do not give the Devil an opportunity 53 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/19/2003
Introduction to the 7 churches   72 Book of Revelation 2/18/2003
Knowing God John 10:14-15 153 The Second Sending 2/16/2003
Anger is a choice   52 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/12/2003
Summary of Revelation 1 71 Book of Revelation 2/11/2003
How do you know God? John 10:13-14 152 The Second Sending 2/9/2003
Anger and blame 51 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/5/2003
Understanding Hades   70 Book of Revelation 2/4/2003
Who is qualified to take Communion?   86 Memorial to the Messiah 2/2/2003
Various fears   50 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/29/2003
Do not fear Revelation 1:17 69 Book of Revelation 1/28/2003
The Impact of the Shepherd Discourse Ezekiel 34, John 10 151 The Second Sending 1/26/2003
No fear 49 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/22/2003
Understanding the sharp two-edged sword   68 Book of Revelation 1/21/2003
Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd John 10:10-12 150 The Second Sending 1/19/2003
The 7-headed dragon   48 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/15/2003
Jesus Christ glorified 67 Book of Revelation 1/14/2003
How 149 The Second Sending 1/12/2003
Captivity captive 47 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/8/2003
Beginning of first vision Revelation 1:10 66 Book of Revelation 1/7/2003
Christ set you free - live in liberty   148 The Second Sending 1/5/2003
What love is there that doesn't grow cold?   4 When Love Grows Cold 12/31/2002
Will your love grow cold? 3 When Love Grows Cold 12/31/2002
Will love of Jesus Christ grow cold? 2 When Love Grows Cold 12/29/2002
When demands of love increase, love of most grows cold 1 When Love Grows Cold 12/22/2002
God’s solution   46 Not S.A.D. In Christ 12/18/2002
The isle of self Revelation 1:9-10 65 Book of Revelation 12/17/2002
Jesus Christ is the door to salvation John 10:1-19 147 The Second Sending 12/15/2002
Guest speaker Phil McMillan:  The repose of faith   146 The Second Sending 12/8/2002
Stronghold of false doctrine 45 Not S.A.D. In Christ 12/4/2002
Jews, Blacks, and Christians   64 Book of Revelation 12/3/2002
Double Liability 1 Corinthians 11:27 85 Memorial to the Messiah 12/1/2002
Bonded by tribulation Revelation 1:9 63 Book of Revelation 11/26/2002
Do you dance with the voice that called you? John 10:5 145 The Second Sending 11/24/2002
God delivers us from the strongholds 2 Corinthians 10:5 44 Not S.A.D. In Christ 11/20/2002
I alone am God Revelation 1:7-8 62 Book of Revelation 11/19/2002
He drives us out, then we follow John 10:4 144 The Second Sending 11/17/2002
The source of strongholds 43 Not S.A.D. In Christ 11/13/2002
Do you see what I see? Revelation 1:7 61 Book of Revelation 11/12/2002
The Good, Great, and Chief Shepherd 143 The Second Sending 11/10/2002
Our teens are depressed   42 Not S.A.D. In Christ 11/6/2002
A revealing of us   60 Book of Revelation 11/5/2002
Why take Communion?   84 Memorial to the Messiah 11/3/2002
Can it be that simple? 2 Corinthians 10:3 41 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/30/2002
The unveiling of Christ 59 Book of Revelation 10/29/2002
Pastor John Hintz:  The Zodiac   142 The Second Sending 10/27/2002
I speculate, therefore I am Proverbs 23:7 40 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/23/2002
Who's who?   58 Book of Revelation 10/22/2002
Called by His name 141 The Second Sending 10/20/2002
Speculation and stress 39 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/16/2002
Peace with God; peace of God 57 Book of Revelation 10/15/2002
Shepherd or robber   140 The Second Sending 10/13/2002
Why do I suffer stress, anxiety, and/or depression?   38 Not S.A.D. In Christ 10/9/2002
The mystery of grace Revelation 1:4 56 Book of Revelation 10/8/2002
Who are the descendants of Abraham? 139 The Second Sending 10/6/2002
Who do you think you are?   138 The Second Sending 9/29/2002
God’s razor 37 Not S.A.D. In Christ 9/25/2002
Understanding Revelation 1:4 55 Book of Revelation 9/24/2002
Keep His word by believing 137 The Second Sending 9/22/2002
Trust the Holy Spirit to destroy the fortresses in your soul   36 Not S.A.D. In Christ 9/18/2002
How do you heed prophecy?   54 Book of Revelation 9/17/2002
How do we honor God?   136 The Second Sending 9/15/2002
Catharsis 35 Not S.A.D. In Christ 9/11/2002
The spiritual warfare 53 Book of Revelation 9/10/2002
They would not listen! John 8:46-48 135 The Second Sending 9/8/2002
Your warfare is not of this world   34 Not S.A.D. In Christ 9/4/2002
The love of God is for you   52 Book of Revelation 9/3/2002
Remember how you were saved … as you were saved, you walk 83 Memorial to the Messiah 9/1/2002
The 7-headed dragon in “the deep” of your soul 33 Not S.A.D. In Christ 8/28/2002
What is your view of God when a believer sins? 51 Book of Revelation 8/27/2002
Guest speaker Phil McMillan:  The way of faith   134 The Second Sending 8/25/2002
What’s the “7-headed dragon” that’s in our souls?   32 Not S.A.D. In Christ 8/21/2002
Is it the revelation of Jesus Christ or about Jesus Christ? Revelation 1:1 50 Book of Revelation 8/20/2002
What is the truth? John 8:44-45 133 The Second Sending 8/18/2002
Keep on seeking the things above 31 Not S.A.D. In Christ 8/14/2002
Who is sufficient to be God? Revelation 1:1 49 Book of Revelation 8/13/2002
Profile of Satan John 8:44 132 The Second Sending 8/11/2002
I can’t stay tuned to FM   30 Not S.A.D. In Christ 8/7/2002
Why study the book of Revelation?   48 Book of Revelation 8/6/2002
“In remembrance of me”   82 Memorial to the Messiah 8/4/2002
Self-Talk:  Ending stress, anxiety, & depression in your life, part 4 29 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/31/2002
Self-Talk:  Ending stress, anxiety, & depression in your life, part 3   28 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/30/2002
You’re just like your Father John 8:37-44 131 The Second Sending 7/28/2002
Self-Talk:  Ending stress, anxiety, & depression in your life, part 2 27 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/24/2002
Self-Talk:  Ending stress, anxiety, & depression in your life, part 1   26 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/23/2002
Pastor John Hintz:  The Zodiac   130 The Second Sending 7/21/2002
Satan’s lie:  the approval addict and judgment system 25 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/17/2002
Overview complete Revelation 22:13-21 47 Book of Revelation 7/16/2002
Truth and love John 8:30-47 129 The Second Sending 7/14/2002
Don’t fear being unworthy, you are reconciled with Christ   24 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/10/2002
We will see His face Revelation 22:4-12 46 Book of Revelation 7/9/2002
Use of the Bible to distort the truth of the Bible 81 Memorial to the Messiah 7/7/2002
What God does about S.A.D. 23 Not S.A.D. In Christ 7/3/2002
No more night Revelation 21:23-22:3 45 Book of Revelation 7/2/2002
How to be free John 8:30-36 128 The Second Sending 6/30/2002
Out from the flesh   22 Not S.A.D. In Christ 6/19/2002
The new Jerusalem Revelation 21:9-22 44 Book of Revelation 6/18/2002
The departure declaration 127 The Second Sending 6/16/2002
The addiction of the opinion of others 21 Not S.A.D. In Christ 6/12/2002
New heaven and earth in the future, new you now Revelation 21:2-8 43 Book of Revelation 6/11/2002
Jesus is the Light of the World John 8:18-20 126 The Second Sending 6/9/2002
Performance trap and approval addiction   20 Not S.A.D. In Christ 6/5/2002
What will Heaven be like? Revelation 20:7 42 Book of Revelation 6/4/2002
You are who you are in Christ   80 Memorial to the Messiah 6/2/2002
The adulterous woman John 8:1-11 125 The Second Sending 5/26/2002
Some results are Satan’s lies 19 Not S.A.D. In Christ 5/22/2002
Be sure you are at the right supper! Revelation 20 41 Book of Revelation 5/21/2002
Christ rejected!  The Holy Spirit sent!!   124 The Second Sending 5/19/2002
Seven major points on S.A.D.  Control is an illusion, part 2   18 Not S.A.D. In Christ 5/15/2002
The 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, cont. Revelation 19:11-16 40 Book of Revelation 5/14/2002
Is faith too difficult for you? 123 The Second Sending 5/12/2002
Seven major points on S.A.D.  Walking by faith is a habit, part 1 17 Not S.A.D. In Christ 5/8/2002
The 2nd coming of Jesus Christ Revelation 19:1-10 39 Book of Revelation 5/7/2002
How is memory? 79 Memorial to the Messiah 5/5/2002
Knowing, believing, and living who you are in Christ   16 Not S.A.D. In Christ 5/1/2002
“Enron” wails   38 Book of Revelation 4/30/2002
The feeding of the 5000 and 4000 are a picture of the 1st and 2nd sendings   122 The Second Sending 4/28/2002
The stress and depression of sin 15 Not S.A.D. In Christ 4/24/2002
The political Babylon Revelation 18:1-8 37 Book of Revelation 4/23/2002
Are you lost? 121 The Second Sending 4/21/2002
A land divided:  A people divided 5 911 4/17/2002
The thanksgiving of faith   120 The Second Sending 4/14/2002
A land divided:  History of the land from Abraham to Rome 4 911 4/9/2002
Just sit down! 119 The Second Sending 4/7/2002
Your duty is not to refrain from sin, but to walk by faith   14 Not S.A.D. In Christ 4/3/2002
God is in control Revelation 17:10-18 36 Book of Revelation 4/2/2002
The death and resurrection of Christ and our everyday life 1 Easter 2002 3/31/2002
See yourself in the old nature; see yourself in the new nature 13 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/27/2002
Why did Cain murder Abel? 35 Book of Revelation 3/26/2002
The miracle John 6:8-9 118 The Second Sending 3/24/2002
When two plans collide!   12 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/20/2002
Who is the whore? Revelation 17 34 Book of Revelation 3/19/2002
Jesus Christ speaks in the spiritual realm, will you listen? John 1:6-8 117 The Second Sending 3/17/2002
You are not doomed to a life of S.A.D. 11 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/13/2002
Myth of money, part 8.  You can put your trust in the love of money or in God   116 The Second Sending 3/10/2002
Stressed.  Trying to perform for God   10 Not S.A.D. In Christ 3/6/2002
3 battles Revelation 17 33 Book of Revelation 3/5/2002
Your supper or the Lord’s supper? 1 Corinthians 11:17 78 Memorial to the Messiah 3/3/2002
Why stress?  You are full of evil and insane! 9 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/27/2002
The 7 bowls of judgment Revelation 16 32 Book of Revelation 2/26/2002
Myth of money, part 7.  “I love money”  115 The Second Sending 2/24/2002
Control is an illusion of vulnerability   8 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/20/2002
Angel messengers Revelation 15 31 Book of Revelation 2/19/2002
Myth of money, part 6.  What you gain is pain, what you lose is love 1 Timothy 6:9 114 The Second Sending 2/17/2002
How to love and be loved 7 Not S.A.D. In Christ 2/13/2002
The 6 angels   30 Book of Revelation 2/12/2002
Myth of money, part 5 113 The Second Sending 2/10/2002
The New Covenant, review 77 Memorial to the Messiah 2/3/2002
Deceptive power of Satan, deceptive power of the flesh   6 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/30/2002
The 2nd beast out of the earth Revelation 13:11-18 29 Book of Revelation 1/29/2002
Myth of money, part 4   112 The Second Sending 1/27/2002
No stress when my life is hidden 5 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/23/2002
Satan’s 2 beasts Revelation 12, 13:1-5 28 Book of Revelation 1/22/2002
Myth of money, part 3 111 The Second Sending 1/20/2002
We have two natures, put off the old and put on the new   4 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/16/2002
The contestants Revelation 12 27 Book of Revelation 1/15/2002
Myth of money, part 2   110 The Second Sending 1/13/2002
Make it a habit to set your mind on things above 3 Not S.A.D. In Christ 1/9/2002
7th trumpet and the 3 woes Revelation 10 & 11 26 Book of Revelation 1/8/2002
Myth of money, part 1 109 The Second Sending 1/6/2002
Summary:  Love is not jealous 198 Spiritual Love 1/2/2002
Introduction to S.A.D. (Stress, Anxiety, & Depression), part 2   2 Not S.A.D. In Christ 12/31/2001
Introduction to S.A.D. (Stress, Anxiety, & Depression), part 1 1 Not S.A.D. In Christ 12/31/2001
Not enough money, more stress   108 The Second Sending 12/30/2001
Where is Jesus from? 1 Christmas 2001 12/23/2001
With spiritual love there’s no jealousy 197 Spiritual Love 12/19/2001
The trumpets Revelation 5 & 6 25 Book of Revelation 12/18/2001
The gift of God:  The soul capacity to enjoy what he gives you 107 The Second Sending 12/16/2001
Spiritual love protects against stress, anxiety, and depression 196 Spiritual Love 12/12/2001
The 6 seals and the delay of the 7th Revelation 6 & 7 24 Book of Revelation 12/11/2001
When you go to the Lord there is always enough John 6:7 106 The Second Sending 12/9/2001
The New Covenant – I’ll do for you, trust me   76 Memorial to the Messiah 12/2/2001
Overview of the 6 seals 23 Book of Revelation 11/27/2001
The question God is always asking, “Are you going to trust me?” 105 The Second Sending 11/25/2001
Do you have insight?   22 Book of Revelation 11/20/2001
The source of endurance   104 The Second Sending 11/18/2001
Who are you?  Love of the Holy Spirit knows 195 Spiritual Love 11/14/2001
Where is history going? 21 Book of Revelation 11/13/2001
Faith is waiting … when will you take possession of it? 103 The Second Sending 11/11/2001
  194 Spiritual Love 11/7/2001
God does not keep secrets from his friends   20 Book of Revelation 11/6/2001
Communion is a shadow of a greater supper 75 Memorial to the Messiah 11/4/2001
Jealousy protects the flesh you, spiritual love protects who you are in Christ 193 Spiritual Love 10/31/2001
God shares with his friends what He’s going to do 19 Book of Revelation 10/30/2001
How is faith approved?   102 The Second Sending 10/28/2001
Why everything?  When you already have good things! 192 Spiritual Love 10/24/2001
Chapter disclosure   18 Book of Revelation 10/23/2001
Why test, why trials? 101 The Second Sending 10/21/2001
Your soul without spiritual love 191 Spiritual Love 10/17/2001
In heaven, on earth 17 Book of Revelation 10/16/2001
Your faith should be your response to testing and temptation   100 The Second Sending 10/14/2001
The syndrome of jealousy 190 Spiritual Love 10/10/2001
The flow of Revelation:  seals, trumpets, bowls   16 Book of Revelation 10/9/2001
Why do you take the cup of the New Covenant?   74 Memorial to the Messiah 10/7/2001
Introduction, Section 2:  Knowing the book of Revelation 15 Book of Revelation 10/2/2001
Who is the test really for? 99 The Second Sending 9/30/2001
The flesh and jealousy 189 Spiritual Love 9/26/2001
Hebrews 11   14 Book of Revelation 9/25/2001
You don’t know when a test is coming   98 The Second Sending 9/23/2001
The source of jealousy 188 Spiritual Love 9/19/2001
Hebrews 11:  Why study Revelation? 13 Book of Revelation 9/18/2001
Attack on America:  Christians under control 3 911 9/16/2001
The ugliness of jealousy 187 Spiritual Love 9/12/2001
Attack on America:  God in control 2 911 9/11/2001
Testing is the opportunity for God to be glorified in your life 97 The Second Sending 9/9/2001
Jealously creates an environment in the soul 186 Spiritual Love 9/5/2001
It’s always been faith   12 Book of Revelation 9/4/2001
Distortion of covenants 73 Memorial to the Messiah 9/2/2001
Sarkikes vs. Sarkinos 185 Spiritual Love 8/29/2001
Why study the book of Revelation? 11 Book of Revelation 8/28/2001
Live who you are!   96 The Second Sending 8/26/2001
What is the mind of Christ? 184 Spiritual Love 8/22/2001
Lord’s day vs. man’s day   10 Book of Revelation 8/21/2001
Learning of the Holy Spirit, giving of the Holy Spirit 95 The Second Sending 8/19/2001
Jealousy protects the flesh nature 183 Spiritual Love 8/15/2001
The Lord’s Day 9 Book of Revelation 8/14/2001
The geographical will of God   94 The Second Sending 8/12/2001
Historical reality of the covenants   72 Memorial to the Messiah 8/4/2001
But, I don’t want to be jealous 182 Spiritual Love 8/1/2001
Does the seven headed dragon scare you?   8 Book of Revelation 7/31/2001
From rat to glory 93 The Second Sending 7/29/2001
Love is not jealous 181 Spiritual Love 7/25/2001
Where do we go to understand the symbols of Revelation? 7 Book of Revelation 7/24/2001
Introduction to John 6   92 The Second Sending 7/22/2001
But, I don’t want to be kind! 180 Spiritual Love 7/18/2001
Keys to understanding Revelation   6 Book of Revelation 7/17/2001
Where does the gospel of John fit? 91 The Second Sending 7/15/2001
What God has given 179 Spiritual Love 7/11/2001
Where does Revelation fit? 5 Book of Revelation 7/10/2001
The teaching of Moses is designed to take you to Jesus Christ   90 The Second Sending 7/8/2001
Flow of the Bible:  God declares, God saves, God proclaims   4 Book of Revelation 7/3/2001
The New Covenant and the gospel 71 Memorial to the Messiah 7/1/2001
Stress, depression, and spiritual love 178 Spiritual Love 6/27/2001
Book of Revelation & the Bible 3 Book of Revelation 6/25/2001
God’s standard is perfection 89 The Second Sending 6/24/2001
Apocalypse Wow!   2 Book of Revelation 6/20/2001
Introduction 1 Book of Revelation 6/19/2001
The simplicity of faith and the difficulty of law   88 The Second Sending 6/17/2001
Self satisfaction is the killer of faith 87 The Second Sending 6/10/2001
The cross is our historical reality   70 Memorial to the Messiah 6/3/2001
Suffering in Corinth, suffering in Smyrna 91 Memorial to the Messiah 6/1/2001
Faith is born out of need John 5:45 86 The Second Sending 5/27/2001
Because God is righteous He can make us righteous   58 Epistle of 1st John 5/23/2001
What kindness adds to love! 177 Spiritual Love 5/22/2001
Mother’s day message John 5:44 85 The Second Sending 5/20/2001
God is righteous 1 John 1:9 57 Epistle of 1st John 5/16/2001
Faith is a gift from God John 5:44 84 The Second Sending 5/13/2001
Faithfulness of God in sin 1 John 1:9 56 Epistle of 1st John 5/9/2001
Kindness and longsuffering, kindness and spiritual love 176 Spiritual Love 5/8/2001
Historical reality of the New Covenant 69 Memorial to the Messiah 5/6/2001
Sin reveals our ugliness 1 John 1:9 55 Epistle of 1st John 5/2/2001
From glory to glory John 5:44; 2 Corinthians  3:1-18 83 The Second Sending 4/29/2001
What is sin to God?   54 Epistle of 1st John 4/25/2001
He delights in unchanging love!  What will make heaven, Heaven? 175 Spiritual Love 4/24/2001
Why some do not have faith!   82 The Second Sending 4/22/2001
Loving Him, loving His appearance 1 Easter 2001 4/15/2001
What are we to confess? 53 Epistle of 1st John 4/11/2001
Micah:  Who is like God? 174 Spiritual Love 4/10/2001
The relationship of God the Father and God the Son 81 The Second Sending 4/8/2001
52 Epistle of 1st John 4/4/2001
Spiritual love is kind because God is kind 173 Spiritual Love 4/3/2001
Introduction to sin 51 Epistle of 1st John 3/28/2001
Who is God to you? 172 Spiritual Love 3/27/2001
The love of God vs. the glory of man   80 The Second Sending 3/25/2001
Confession, repentance, faith, what do I do?   50 Epistle of 1st John 3/21/2001
The priority of kindness 171 Spiritual Love 3/20/2001
Why witnesses?  Why no glory for man? 79 The Second Sending 3/18/2001
Is there power in confession? 49 Epistle of 1st John 3/14/2001
The compassion of God’s essence 170 Spiritual Love 3/13/2001
So, you want to be like Christ?   78 The Second Sending 3/11/2001
The act of confession vs. the act of faith   48 Epistle of 1st John 3/7/2001
God is a compassionate God 169 Spiritual Love 3/6/2001
Covenants and the history of man   68 Memorial to the Messiah 3/4/2001
John’s use of confession 47 Epistle of 1st John 2/28/2001
Process of faith 77 The Second Sending 2/25/2001
Faith and confession are 2 different words   46 Epistle of 1st John 2/21/2001
Kindness leads to repentance 168 Spiritual Love 2/20/2001
Why study scripture?   76 The Second Sending 2/18/2001
Love is kind 167 Spiritual Love 2/14/2001
Homologeo, in the New Testament 45 Epistle of 1st John 2/13/2001
Confession   44 Epistle of 1st John 2/7/2001
Summary of the longsuffering of love 166 Spiritual Love 2/6/2001
History and the new covenant 67 Memorial to the Messiah 2/4/2001
New Testament use of confession 43 Epistle of 1st John 1/31/2001
Why longsuffering is longsuffering 165 Spiritual Love 1/30/2001
How do you know God will determine how you live? 75 The Second Sending 1/28/2001
Confess   42 Epistle of 1st John 1/24/2001
The protective impact of the longsuffering of love 164 Spiritual Love 1/23/2001
When studying scripture does not lead to the truth   74 The Second Sending 1/21/2001
The dogma of 1 John 1:9 41 Epistle of 1st John 1/17/2001
Love covers all transgressions 163 Spiritual Love 1/16/2001
Witness of works and witness of God the Father 1 John 5:36-38 73 The Second Sending 1/14/2001
What’s your problem   40 Epistle of 1st John 1/10/2001
Hate stirs up strife, love covers all sins 162 Spiritual Love 1/9/2001
Two of Jesus Christ’s witnesses:  The Holy Spirit and John the Baptist   72 The Second Sending 1/7/2001
Part 3 3 Looking Forward; Living Now 1/3/2001
Part 2 2 Looking Forward; Living Now 1/2/2001
Part 1 1 Looking Forward; Living Now 12/31/2000
Part 3 3 The Demonstration of God’s Love 12/24/2000
Part 2   2 The Demonstration of God’s Love 12/19/2000
Part 1 1 The Demonstration of God’s Love 12/17/2000
Kenya update 71 The Second Sending 12/10/2000
Love covers all 161 Spiritual Love 11/21/2000
Resurrection is life out of death   70 The Second Sending 11/19/2000
The truth is not in you! 39 Epistle of 1st John 11/15/2000
Spiritual love is self-sustaining 160 Spiritual Love 11/14/2000
The hope and assurance of the resurrection 69 The Second Sending 11/12/2000
Deceived away from God   38 Epistle of 1st John 11/8/2000
Properties of longsuffering 159 Spiritual Love 11/7/2000
History and covenants   66 Memorial to the Messiah 11/5/2000
Deception:  Satan’s great strategy 37 Epistle of 1st John 11/1/2000
The good vs. the evil   68 The Second Sending 10/29/2000
What if He is not the Son of God? 67 The Second Sending 10/22/2000
The oppositions to spiritual love 158 Spiritual Love 10/17/2000
Because He is the Son of Man   66 The Second Sending 10/15/2000
Deception and the spiritual warfare   36 Epistle of 1st John 10/11/2000
Jesus Christ demonstrates the longsuffering of his love 157 Spiritual Love 10/10/2000
History of the Arabs and Jews:  God’s in the life giving business 65 The Second Sending 10/8/2000
The effects of denial 35 Epistle of 1st John 10/4/2000
Spiritual love is resilient 156 Spiritual Love 10/3/2000
Past, present, future – same covenant 65 Memorial to the Messiah 10/1/2000
His love is greater than your sins!   34 Epistle of 1st John 9/27/2000
The fruit of the longsuffering of love 155 Spiritual Love 9/26/2000
God gives life   64 The Second Sending 9/24/2000
God’s love burns out his wrath 154 Spiritual Love 9/20/2000
I will, I will – I won’t, I won’t 153 Spiritual Love 9/19/2000
Who is the source of life? 63 The Second Sending 9/17/2000
God’s love consoles you and Him 152 Spiritual Love 9/13/2000
Hope for the sinful 151 Spiritual Love 9/12/2000
History, covenants, and you   64 Memorial to the Messiah 9/10/2000
How can I stop being your husband? 150 Spiritual Love 9/5/2000
Jesus Christ is the judge Genesis 5:22 62 The Second Sending 8/27/2000
Why would I want my love to hurt? 33 Epistle of 1st John 8/23/2000
Longsuffering of love in action 149 Spiritual Love 8/22/2000
God is in the business of giving life 61 The Second Sending 8/20/2000
His faithfulness in our unfaithfulness 148 Spiritual Love 8/15/2000
Amsterdam 1 911 8/13/2000
Longsuffering is a virtue only of spiritual love 147 Spiritual Love 7/25/2000
Who do people say I am?   60 The Second Sending 7/23/2000
Introduction to the spiritual immune system, cont. 146 Spiritual Love 7/19/2000
Introduction to the spiritual immune system 145 Spiritual Love 7/18/2000
From the man who could do nothing to the man who could do everything 59 The Second Sending 7/16/2000
1st John 1   32 Epistle of 1st John 7/12/2000
Love is longsuffering 144 Spiritual Love 7/11/2000
The man who could do nothing   58 The Second Sending 7/9/2000
Job’s false view of God 31 Epistle of 1st John 7/5/2000
Fourth of July 63 Memorial to the Messiah 7/2/2000
57 The Second Sending 7/2/2000
Where does the idea to fear God come from?   30 Epistle of 1st John 6/28/2000
16 impacts/effects of spiritual love 143 Spiritual Love 6/27/2000
Who is Jesus Christ? John 5:19 56 The Second Sending 6/25/2000
A life with love 142 Spiritual Love 6/20/2000
Salvation is not the issue! 55 The Second Sending 6/18/2000
Satan’s strategy 29 Epistle of 1st John 6/14/2000
The sinning believer and the believer without love 141 Spiritual Love 6/13/2000
The problem   28 Epistle of 1st John 6/12/2000
Why just one man?   54 The Second Sending 6/11/2000
We can claim anything, truth is another matter 27 Epistle of 1st John 6/7/2000
A life without love 140 Spiritual Love 6/6/2000
There are two types of covenants in the Bible, cont.   62 Memorial to the Messiah 6/4/2000
There are two types of covenants in the Bible 61 Memorial to the Messiah 6/4/2000
Does “all sin” mean all sin?   26 Epistle of 1st John 5/31/2000
The more excellent way; a superior life 139 Spiritual Love 5/30/2000
“But it’s the Sabbath” 53 The Second Sending 5/28/2000
Do you have faith in superstitions?   52 The Second Sending 5/21/2000
“All sin” 25 Epistle of 1st John 5/17/2000
What is spiritual love review 138 Spiritual Love 5/16/2000
Jesus Christ is the Son of God 51 The Second Sending 5/14/2000
Can you cleanse yourself?   24 Epistle of 1st John 5/10/2000
New commandment review 137 Spiritual Love 5/9/2000
Do you know which covenant to live by?   60 Memorial to the Messiah 5/7/2000
What do you believe about atonement? 12 The Day of Atonement 5/3/2000
Is propitiation the same for everyone? 11 The Day of Atonement 5/2/2000
Atonement and the Christian 10 The Day of Atonement 4/30/2000
What is the message in the offerings 9 The Day of Atonement 4/26/2000
Offerings:  law or grace 8 The Day of Atonement 4/25/2000
The Easter story is for Christians too! 7 The Day of Atonement 4/23/2000
Atonement and fellowship 6 The Day of Atonement 4/19/2000
Atonement 5 The Day of Atonement 4/18/2000
Does the atonement effect your relationships? 4 The Day of Atonement 4/16/2000
The gospel of the Christian 3 The Day of Atonement 4/12/2000
The message of Leviticus 2 The Day of Atonement 4/11/2000
How are you restored with God? 1 The Day of Atonement 4/9/2000
Crisis of faith; invariance of faith 28 Crisis of Faith 4/5/2000
Do you really know what the issue is? 27 Crisis of Faith 4/4/2000
Bread thrown to dogs! 26 Crisis of Faith 4/2/2000
Who can make the unclean, clean? 23 Epistle of 1st John 3/29/2000
How does your love smell? 136 Spiritual Love 3/28/2000
What would you do? 25 Crisis of Faith 3/26/2000
Does being cleansed prevent future sins?   22 Epistle of 1st John 3/22/2000
Spiritual love meets the needs of one another as a sacrifice/offering to God 135 Spiritual Love 3/21/2000
What would Jesus do? 24 Crisis of Faith 3/19/2000
We sin, He reconciles 21 Epistle of 1st John 3/15/2000
Are you ready to lay down your life? 134 Spiritual Love 3/14/2000
What kind of friend do you want to be? 23 Crisis of Faith 3/12/2000
Uncommon valor   20 Epistle of 1st John 3/8/2000
How does your love compare to Jesus Christ’s? 133 Spiritual Love 3/7/2000
Four things a covenant does 59 Memorial to the Messiah 3/5/2000
What does “blood” mean? 19 Epistle of 1st John 3/1/2000
I love you!  As Christ loved me! 132 Spiritual Love 2/29/2000
Unconditional faith sees only God 22 Crisis of Faith 2/27/2000
Indeed, indeed, indeed   18 Epistle of 1st John 2/23/2000
O’ you whom my soul loves 131 Spiritual Love 2/22/2000
What kind of friend are you? 21 Crisis of Faith 2/20/2000
Is your claim to fellowship true or false? 17 Epistle of 1st John 2/16/2000
God and the love of Jesus Christ 130 Spiritual Love 2/15/2000
Full of faith 20 Crisis of Faith 2/13/2000
Are you sure your in the Light?   16 Epistle of 1st John 2/9/2000
How did Jesus Christ love? 129 Spiritual Love 2/8/2000
How are you bonded with God?   58 Memorial to the Messiah 2/6/2000
Do you know how to walk? 15 Epistle of 1st John 2/2/2000
Love is known in the person of Jesus Christ 128 Spiritual Love 2/1/2000
The Lord’s prayer, Luke 22:32 19 Crisis of Faith 1/30/2000
Can we trust God’s love? 127 Spiritual Love 1/25/2000
When faith fails 18 Crisis of Faith 1/23/2000
False claims   14 Epistle of 1st John 1/19/2000
Who loves first? 126 Spiritual Love 1/18/2000
Fear to faith; faith to fear 17 Crisis of Faith 1/16/2000
Are you in fellowship with God? 13 Epistle of 1st John 1/12/2000
Magnitude and effect of God’s love 125 Spiritual Love 1/11/2000
Challenge of faith:  doubt.  Enemy of faith:  fear 16 Crisis of Faith 1/9/2000
Let there be light – let there be God   12 Epistle of 1st John 1/5/2000
Love is from God 124 Spiritual Love 1/4/2000
Little faith, no faith, great faith … how much faith? 15 Crisis of Faith 1/2/2000
New millennium, new you, cont. 9 The Virgin Birth 12/31/1999
New millennium, new you   8 The Virgin Birth 12/31/1999
Why God became man 7 The Virgin Birth 12/29/1999
The virgin birth prophesied   6 The Virgin Birth 12/26/1999
“Let there be light” 5 The Virgin Birth 12/26/1999
What about the man?   4 The Virgin Birth 12/22/1999
Necessity of the virgin birth 3 The Virgin Birth 12/21/1999
How did she become pregnant?   2 The Virgin Birth 12/19/1999
Fellowship with God 11 Epistle of 1st John 12/15/1999
Description of spiritual love; person of this love 123 Spiritual Love 12/14/1999
Mythology and virgin birth 1 The Virgin Birth 12/12/1999
God is light   10 Epistle of 1st John 12/8/1999
Consciousness of spiritual love 122 Spiritual Love 12/7/1999
A different kind of covenant 57 Memorial to the Messiah 12/5/1999
Man can’t make God’s happiness 9 Epistle of 1st John 12/1/1999
Here is the imperative, try and do it 121 Spiritual Love 11/30/1999
Little faith 14 Crisis of Faith 11/28/1999
Consciousness of spiritual love; the solution 120 Spiritual Love 11/23/1999
Areas of faith 13 Crisis of Faith 11/21/1999
What is “the well planned life”?   8 Epistle of 1st John 11/17/1999
Consciousness of love; the problem 119 Spiritual Love 11/16/1999
Doctrine of the invariance of faith 12 Crisis of Faith 11/14/1999
What is the source of happiness? 7 Epistle of 1st John 11/10/1999
Completion to the means of spiritual love 118 Spiritual Love 11/9/1999
The New Covenant is a covenant of grace and love   56 Memorial to the Messiah 11/7/1999
Do you want to be happy?   6 Epistle of 1st John 11/3/1999
Work vs. grace 117 Spiritual Love 11/2/1999
Faith the size of a mustard seed, is it enough? 11 Crisis of Faith 10/31/1999
Fellowship with the Father 5 Epistle of 1st John 10/27/1999
Your view of Christ   4 Epistle of 1st John 10/20/1999
Our “work” is faith, from faith flows love 116 Spiritual Love 10/19/1999
“Increase our faith” – Can faith be increased? 10 Crisis of Faith 10/17/1999
Do you have enough faith? 9 Crisis of Faith 10/10/1999
What’s your view of Jesus? 3 Epistle of 1st John 10/6/1999
What is faith? 115 Spiritual Love 10/5/1999
How can a man be righteous before God? 55 Memorial to the Messiah 10/3/1999
The Word of Life   2 Epistle of 1st John 9/29/1999
You have enough faith, use it! 114 Spiritual Love 9/28/1999
Crisis of love 8 Crisis of Faith 9/26/1999
Introduction 1 Epistle of 1st John 9/22/1999
Faith defined? 113 Spiritual Love 9/21/1999
Conditional faith to unconditional faith 7 Crisis of Faith 9/19/1999
Overview   90 One Another 9/15/1999
What is the faith God is looking for? 112 Spiritual Love 9/14/1999
Why faith and not works? 6 Crisis of Faith 9/12/1999
Lay them down, raise them up, lay them down, raise them up.  What do I do? 89 One Another 9/8/1999
Why faith? 111 Spiritual Love 9/7/1999
What is the difference in the two covenants?   54 Memorial to the Messiah 9/5/1999
Have you murdered anyone lately?   88 One Another 9/1/1999
The means of loving as Christ loved through faith in the Holy Spirit 110 Spiritual Love 8/31/1999
Is God looking for our faith? 5 Crisis of Faith 8/29/1999
Immune system of the flesh 87 One Another 8/25/1999
Why isn’t faith a work? 109 Spiritual Love 8/24/1999
What is conditional faith? 4 Crisis of Faith 8/22/1999
Missionary Ian McGrath:  Latin America   50 The Second Sending 8/15/1999
When is anger not sin?   86 One Another 8/11/1999
What is the means of spiritual love? 108 Spiritual Love 8/10/1999
What has to die in your life 3 Crisis of Faith 8/8/1999
Do not murder one another 85 One Another 8/4/1999
What is of Christ? 107 Spiritual Love 8/3/1999
The new commandment raises you up to Him 53 Memorial to the Messiah 8/1/1999
Strengthen your hearts   84 One Another 7/28/1999
To whom and how is the mystery revealed? 106 Spiritual Love 7/27/1999
Pastor John Hintz:  The book of Jonah 49 The Second Sending 7/25/1999
Christ is coming - so what? 83 One Another 7/21/1999
The power of God 105 Spiritual Love 7/20/1999
Trusting the Holy Spirit 2 Crisis of Faith 7/18/1999
Do not complain against one another   82 One Another 7/14/1999
How do you learn scripture? 104 Spiritual Love 7/13/1999
Crisis of grace 1 Crisis of Faith 7/11/1999
What to do when another believer sins, cont. 81 One Another 7/7/1999
Can you bear the truth? cont. 103 Spiritual Love 7/6/1999
How are we free?  How do we live free?   52 Memorial to the Messiah 7/4/1999
What to do when another believer sins   80 One Another 6/30/1999
Can you bear the truth? 102 Spiritual Love 6/29/1999
What is the gospel?   48 The Second Sending 6/27/1999
Are you the judge? 79 One Another 6/23/1999
How to love as Christ would love you? 101 Spiritual Love 6/22/1999
From faith to faith 47 The Second Sending 6/20/1999
Who's the law breaker?   78 One Another 6/19/1999
What is the fullness of God? 100 Spiritual Love 6/15/1999
Whom He sent   46 The Second Sending 6/13/1999
The law of love 77 One Another 6/9/1999
What is the secret of His love? 99 Spiritual Love 6/8/1999
Why is the new covenant a better covenant? 51 Memorial to the Messiah 6/6/1999
Do not separate from one another.  Do not speak against one another   76 One Another 6/2/1999
Grasping the immeasurable love of Christ 98 Spiritual Love 6/1/1999
Witnessing to believers and unbelievers 45 The Second Sending 5/30/1999
Do not wrongfully separate from one another 75 One Another 5/26/1999
Did He love us in vain? 97 Spiritual Love 5/25/1999
Why did He come?   44 The Second Sending 5/23/1999
Samson's life, his birth, and his death are a pattern of Jesus Christ   74 One Another 5/19/1999
Indwelling; filling of the Holy Spirit 96 Spiritual Love 5/18/1999
Who am I? 43 The Second Sending 5/16/1999
Why was Samson delivered into the hands of the Philistines? 73 One Another 5/12/1999
The fullness of God 95 Spiritual Love 5/11/1999
God is Spirit, so what?   42 The Second Sending 5/9/1999
How and why does Jesus Christ indwell our hearts? 94 Spiritual Love 5/4/1999
What happens to us out of the filling of God the Holy Spirit   72 One Another 5/4/1999
Better covenant based on a better promise   50 Memorial to the Messiah 5/2/1999
Without the Holy Spirit we are like mere men 71 One Another 4/28/1999
Nation in crisis:  Colorado shootings.  Trust in what?  Pray what? 93 Spiritual Love 4/27/1999
Nation in crisis:  Colorado shootings 41 The Second Sending 4/25/1999
God is Spirit   40 The Second Sending 4/18/1999
Without the power of the Spirit we are weak   70 One Another 4/14/1999
Law of the Spirit 92 Spiritual Love 4/13/1999
Why did God raise Jesus Christ? 39 The Second Sending 4/11/1999
Strength of the Holy Spirit vs. weakness of the flesh 69 One Another 4/7/1999
Mechanics of being filled with the Spirit 91 Spiritual Love 4/6/1999
The resurrection 10 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 4/3/1999
Day 4, 3, 2:  3 days and 3 nights in the tomb 9 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/31/1999
The crucifixion 8 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/30/1999
Day 5:  The 6 trials 7 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/28/1999
Day 7 & 6 6 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/24/1999
Day 7 5 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/23/1999
Day 8 & 7 4 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/21/1999
Day 9 3 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/17/1999
Day 9 2 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/16/1999
Day 10 1 The 10 Days Leading to the Resurrection 3/14/1999
Samson's 3rd lie   68 One Another 3/10/1999
Be not drunk with wine, but with the Holy Spirit 90 Spiritual Love 3/9/1999
Better promises 49 Memorial to the Messiah 3/8/1999
The bondage of the Law 67 One Another 3/3/1999
Spiritual love has visible impact 89 Spiritual Love 3/2/1999
What is truth?   38 The Second Sending 2/28/1999
Weakness in the power of the Holy Spirit   66 One Another 2/24/1999
What is true worship? 37 The Second Sending 2/21/1999
Another helper 88 Spiritual Love 2/16/1999
All worship is not true worship   36 The Second Sending 2/14/1999
Who is Delilah? 65 One Another 2/10/1999
Will you trust the Holy Spirit? 87 Spiritual Love 2/9/1999
Man's weakness, Satan's strength, and God's grace   64 One Another 2/3/1999
There is no merit in human volition 86 Spiritual Love 2/2/1999
The simplicity of grace John 4:19-21 35 The Second Sending 1/31/1999
The revenge of Samson 63 One Another 1/27/1999
The leading of the Holy Spirit 85 Spiritual Love 1/26/1999
Who are the five husbands?   34 The Second Sending 1/24/1999
Samson's riddle   62 One Another 1/20/1999
The “trouble” of love 84 Spiritual Love 1/19/1999
Eternal security from the standpoint of the Holy Spirit and man 33 The Second Sending 1/17/1999
A riddle, a parable, and the mind of Christ 61 One Another 1/13/1999
What is your view of the cross? 83 Spiritual Love 1/12/1999
Eternal security and God’s faithfulness   32 The Second Sending 1/10/1999
Samson's 3 lies to Delilah   60 One Another 1/6/1999
Walk in love 82 Spiritual Love 1/5/1999
Eternal security from the standpoint of Jesus Christ’s work on the cross 31 The Second Sending 1/3/1999
What does love look like? Luke 2 7 To Win our Hearts Back 12/31/1998
With what is God pleased? Luke 2 6 To Win our Hearts Back 12/31/1998
What is the Good News? Luke 2 5 To Win our Hearts Back 12/30/1998
Wrapped in what?  Laid where? Luke 2 4 To Win our Hearts Back 12/29/1998
The birth of Jesus Christ Luke 2 3 To Win our Hearts Back 12/27/1998
Time and place of Jesus Christ’s birth Luke 2 2 To Win our Hearts Back 12/22/1998
To win our hearts back Luke 2 1 To Win our Hearts Back 12/20/1998
The miraculous birth of Samson 59 One Another 12/16/1998
How to love 81 Spiritual Love 12/15/1998
What does love look like? John 4:7-8 30 The Second Sending 12/13/1998
The superior life of the Spiritual Kingdom Hebrews 8:6 48 Memorial to the Messiah 12/6/1998
Samson as a Christ-type Judges 13:1-14 58 One Another 12/2/1998
What is the goal of the Christian life? 80 Spiritual Love 12/1/1998
A picture of Christ:  The Holy Spirit and the journey of faith 29 The Second Sending 11/29/1998
Thanksgiving:  Give thanks to God for His love 57 One Another 11/25/1998
The magnitude of spiritual love 79 Spiritual Love 11/24/1998
The two views of God and grace   28 The Second Sending 11/22/1998
The lie of faith   56 One Another 11/18/1998
Abide in my love 78 Spiritual Love 11/17/1998
What did God leave out? 27 The Second Sending 11/15/1998
What is the faith God is looking for? 55 One Another 11/11/1998
The emphasis of spiritual love; the dependency of spiritual love 77 Spiritual Love 11/10/1998
The rest of “Sychar”   26 The Second Sending 11/8/1998
How do we lie to the Holy Spirit?   54 One Another 11/4/1998
The new spiritual creature has potential of spiritual love 76 Spiritual Love 11/3/1998
The new covenant is built on better promises 47 Memorial to the Messiah 11/1/1998
Who wants us to lie to the Spirit of God? 53 One Another 10/28/1998
The subject of spiritual love 75 Spiritual Love 10/27/1998
The power of jealousy 25 The Second Sending 10/25/1998
What is spiritual love? 74 Spiritual Love 10/20/1998
Jesus Christ’s personal relationship with others John 4 24 The Second Sending 10/18/1998
Lying to the Holy Spirit Acts 5:1-5 52 One Another 10/14/1998
The direction of human love 73 Spiritual Love 10/13/1998
1st and 2nd sending and God’s love 23 The Second Sending 10/11/1998
Where is God to be found? Hebrews 8 46 Memorial to the Messiah 10/4/1998
Do not lie to one another 51 One Another 9/30/1998
The categories of love on earth 72 Spiritual Love 9/29/1998
That He might increase and I might decrease   22 The Second Sending 9/27/1998
Do not envy one another   50 One Another 9/23/1998
The effect of spiritual love 71 Spiritual Love 9/22/1998
The life source of the new creature in Christ is from above 21 The Second Sending 9/20/1998
Biting and devouring one another, cont. 49 One Another 9/16/1998
Direction and magnitude as it relates to spiritual love 70 Spiritual Love 9/15/1998
How you treat others is your view of God   20 The Second Sending 9/13/1998
Biting and devouring one another Galatians 5:15 48 One Another 9/9/1998
The force of love 69 Spiritual Love 9/8/1998
Take the cup of the new covenant; live the New Covenant 45 Memorial to the Messiah 9/6/1998
Walk in the Spirit and have a wonderful sex life in marriage 47 One Another 9/2/1998
What does God’s love look like? 68 Spiritual Love 9/1/1998
The ritual of water baptism John 3:22 19 The Second Sending 8/30/1998
The journey of Nicodemus   18 The Second Sending 8/23/1998
Do not judge one another, cont.   46 One Another 8/19/1998
Biblical words for love 67 Spiritual Love 8/18/1998
What are evil deeds? John 3:19-21 17 The Second Sending 8/16/1998
Do not judge one another 45 One Another 8/12/1998
We live because Jesus Christ loved us, delivered us 66 Spiritual Love 8/11/1998
The Light of the world John 3:19 16 The Second Sending 8/9/1998
Crisis of grace and spiritual love in history   44 One Another 8/5/1998
What profit is Jesus Christ’s offer of his life? 65 Spiritual Love 8/4/1998
The better covenant made the old covenant obsolete   44 Memorial to the Messiah 8/2/1998
Do not judge one another 43 One Another 7/29/1998
The leading of the Spirit is individual 64 Spiritual Love 7/28/1998
The purpose of the first sending John 3:10-19 15 The Second Sending 7/26/1998
Your view of God   14 The Second Sending 7/19/1998
Do not injure one another.  Do not judge one another   42 One Another 7/15/1998
God is love John 3:16 13 The Second Sending 7/12/1998
The imperative mood 41 One Another 7/8/1998
Do you love me? 63 Spiritual Love 7/7/1998
The better covenant:  the covenant of liberty 43 Memorial to the Messiah 7/5/1998
Do not argue with one another.  Do not injure one another   40 One Another 7/1/1998
The direction of God’s love   12 The Second Sending 6/28/1998
Do not grumble with one another John 6:43 39 One Another 6/24/1998
Who can know God; who can love God? 62 Spiritual Love 6/23/1998
The Son of Man must be lifted up 11 The Second Sending 6/21/1998
Trusting when under trial and suffering 61 Spiritual Love 6/17/1998
The glory of the Holy Spirit is spiritual love   38 One Another 6/17/1998
The serpent on the pole, the Son on the pole   10 The Second Sending 6/14/1998
Where to go for glory and how to get it 37 One Another 6/10/1998
Faith expressing itself in love equals rewards 60 Spiritual Love 6/9/1998
The New Covenant vs. any system of law   42 Memorial to the Messiah 6/7/1998
Do not seek glory from one another   36 One Another 6/3/1998
What you do is not the issue 59 Spiritual Love 6/2/1998
Where are you from? 9 The Second Sending 5/31/1998
We are not to hate one another.  We are not to be inconsiderate of one another 35 One Another 5/27/1998
What is spiritually profitable? 58 Spiritual Love 5/26/1998
How can these things be? John 3:8-11 8 The Second Sending 5/24/1998
How the flesh treats one another   34 One Another 5/20/1998
Is it Isaac or Ishmael? 57 Spiritual Love 5/19/1998
Who are the present aliens? 7 The Second Sending 5/17/1998
Born from above John 3:1 6 The Second Sending 5/10/1998
We are to be humble toward one another.  We are to have fellowship with one another 33 One Another 5/6/1998
Who is the issue – the giver or the receiver? 56 Spiritual Love 5/5/1998
David and Solomon – new and old Covenant 41 Memorial to the Messiah 5/3/1998
We are to stimulate the faith of one another.  We are to show hospitality to one another   32 One Another 4/29/1998
We are to admonish one another; we are to greet another 55 Spiritual Love 4/28/1998
The cleansing of the temple John 2:12; Jeremiah 7:1 5 The Second Sending 4/26/1998
The first sending, the first of eight miracles   4 The Second Sending 4/19/1998
Purpose of confessing and of prayers.  We are to stimulate the faith of one another 31 One Another 4/15/1998
Faith without love 54 Spiritual Love 4/14/1998
Crucified in weakness, resurrected in power 1 Easter 1998 4/12/1998
Pray for one another James 5:16 30 One Another 4/8/1998
Without love I am nothing 53 Spiritual Love 4/7/1998
The better covenant   40 Memorial to the Messiah 4/5/1998
Confess to one another James 5:16 29 One Another 4/1/1998
God is looking where His love abides 52 Spiritual Love 3/31/1998
The first sending of God John 1 3 The Second Sending 3/29/1998
Seek good for one another 1 Thessalonians 5:15 28 One Another 3/25/1998
Imagine God without love 51 Spiritual Love 3/24/1998
John in the scheme of the Bible   2 The Second Sending 3/22/1998
Be at peace with one another 1 Thessalonians 5:13 27 One Another 3/18/1998
Spiritual love does not destroy 50 Spiritual Love 3/17/1998
How the gospel of John fits in the scheme of the Bible 1 The Second Sending 3/15/1998
Encouraging one another   26 One Another 3/11/1998
Benefits of spiritual love 49 Spiritual Love 3/10/1998
We are to comfort one another 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 5:11 25 One Another 3/4/1998
The covenants 39 Memorial to the Messiah 3/1/1998
Reading the letter Galatians 46 Galatians 2/25/1998
A life of faith is our boast Galatians 6:10-18 45 Galatians 2/24/1998
How do we lose heart, how do we faint? Galatians 6:9-10 44 Galatians 2/22/1998
Can you stop living by faith? Galatians 6:8-9 43 Galatians 2/18/1998
Is your pastor worth it? Galatians 6:3-7 42 Galatians 2/17/1998
The law of Christ Galatians 6:2 41 Galatians 2/15/1998
When another believer sins, what are we to do? Galatians 6:1 40 Galatians 2/11/1998
Does it really mean any trespass? Galatians 5:26-6:1 39 Galatians 2/10/1998
Live by the Spirit, walk by the Spirit, trust the Spirit Galatians 5:23-25 38 Galatians 2/8/1998
The fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22 37 Galatians 2/4/1998
How is Christ formed in you? Galatians 5:22 36 Galatians 2/3/1998
Inheriting the Kingdom Galatians 5:21 35 Galatians 2/1/1998
Evidence of the flesh Galatians 5:19-21 34 Galatians 1/28/1998
Divine guidance Galatians 5:18 33 Galatians 1/27/1998
The crisis of faith Galatians 5:16-18 32 Galatians 1/25/1998
The dilemma of law Galatians 5:15 31 Galatians 1/21/1998
We serve one another by love not law Galatians 5:13-14 30 Galatians 1/20/1998
Do not be persuaded to leave faith Galatians 5:8-12 29 Galatians 1/18/1998
What is the truth we are to obey? Galatians 5:7 28 Galatians 1/14/1998
The only thing that counts in your life Galatians 5:6 27 Galatians 1/13/1998
The hope of a righteous life Galatians 5:5 26 Galatians 1/11/1998
Severed from Christ:  Fallen from grace Galatians 5:3-5 25 Galatians 1/7/1998
How to "stand firm" in freedom in Christ Galatians 5:1-2 24 Galatians 1/6/1998
Persecution of those who live by faith Galatians 4:28-5:1 23 Galatians 1/4/1998
Part 2 2 The Joy of Christ 1/1/1998
Part 1 1 The Joy of Christ 12/31/1997
Rejoice barren Christian Galatians 4:28 22 Galatians 12/30/1997
Christ formed in you Galatians 4:23-27 21 Galatians 12/28/1997
Part 2 Matthew 2 2 Where is Jesus From? 12/23/1997
Part 1 Matthew 2 1 Where is Jesus From? 12/21/1997
The miraculous birth of Christ formed in you Galatians 4:19-23 20 Galatians 12/17/1997
Who is the real enemy? Galatians 4:15-18 19 Galatians 12/16/1997
Problem with the Church:  Turning from the Truth Galatians 4:9-15 18 Galatians 12/14/1997
Two sendings of God - 2nd sending:  The Holy Spirit Galatians 4:6-8 17 Galatians 12/10/1997
Two sendings of God - 1st sending:  Jesus Christ Galatians 4:1-5 16 Galatians 12/9/1997
The covenants   38 Memorial to the Messiah 12/7/1997
The law leads to Christ Galatians 3:21-29 15 Galatians 12/3/1997
The law increases sin Galatians 3:18-20 14 Galatians 12/2/1997
Promise of the Spirit by faith Galatians 3:14-17 13 Galatians 11/30/1997
The righteous man shall walk by faith Galatians 3:10-13 12 Galatians 11/26/1997
The pattern of righteousness by faith Galatians 3:6-9 11 Galatians 11/25/1997
Do not be charmed away from faith Galatians 2:21-3:5 10 Galatians 11/23/1997
What is the faith God is looking for? Galatians 2:18-20 9 Galatians 11/19/1997
We live by the same faith as Jesus Christ lived Galatians 2:16-17 8 Galatians 11/18/1997
We are to live the same as we are saved Galatians 2:14-16 7 Galatians 11/16/1997
Who are the real hypocrites? Galatians 2:9-13 6 Galatians 11/12/1997
The truth of the gospel Galatians 2:3-8 5 Galatians 11/11/1997
Grace and faith always persecuted by law and works Galatians 1:13-2:2 4 Galatians 11/9/1997
A different gospel than what? Galatians 1:7-12 3 Galatians 11/5/1997
The gospel of grace Galatians 1:3-6 2 Galatians 11/4/1997
The problem of the Church Galatians 1:1-2 1 Galatians 11/2/1997
We are to encourage one another, cont.   24 One Another 10/28/1997
Knowing Jesus Christ as the Great Shepherd 17 Christ Living in You 10/27/1997
The bride meets the bridegroom 39 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 10/26/1997
Journey of the bride, cont.   38 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 10/19/1997
We are to encourage one another 23 One Another 10/15/1997
Knowing Jesus Christ as your Shepherd   16 Christ Living in You 10/14/1997
Journey of the bride 37 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 10/12/1997
Forgiveness, your view of God   22 One Another 10/8/1997
Our only work is faith 15 Christ Living in You 10/7/1997
Understanding the new covenant 37 Memorial to the Messiah 10/5/1997
What does forgiveness involve? 21 One Another 10/1/1997
Knowing Jesus Christ as your personal savior   14 Christ Living in You 9/30/1997
Isaac’s bride parallels the woman at the well   36 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 9/28/1997
Understanding forgiveness   20 One Another 9/24/1997
How can I know God?  Where can I find God? 13 Christ Living in You 9/23/1997
The beauty of the bride 35 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 9/21/1997
The basis of forgiveness 19 One Another 9/17/1997
That Jesus Christ is God; scriptures declare that Jesus Christ is God   12 Christ Living in You 9/16/1997
Rebekah, the Church   34 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 9/14/1997
We are to forgive one another.  What is forgiveness?  Cont.   18 One Another 9/10/1997
That Jesus Christ is God; Jesus Christ is proclaimed as God 11 Christ Living in You 9/9/1997
The new covenant like the original covenant, cont.   36 Memorial to the Messiah 9/7/1997
The blood of the covenant,  the new covenant like the original covenant 35 Memorial to the Messiah 9/7/1997
We are to forgive one another.  What is forgiveness? 17 One Another 9/3/1997
That Jesus Christ is God; revealed in the Old and New Testaments   10 Christ Living in You 9/2/1997
We are to forgive one another   16 One Another 8/27/1997
Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, and the Messiah is God 9 Christ Living in You 8/26/1997
The servant’s prayer, cont. 33 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 8/24/1997
The servant’s prayer   32 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 8/24/1997
We are to bear with one another 15 One Another 8/20/1997
The omnipotence, immutability, and veracity of Jesus Christ   8 Christ Living in You 8/19/1997
Following/trusting the servant 31 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 8/17/1997
We are to consider one another.  We are to bear with one another   14 One Another 8/13/1997
The sovereignty, holiness, love, and omniscience of Jesus Christ 7 Christ Living in You 8/12/1997
The servant’s mission   30 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 8/10/1997
We are to consider one another 13 One Another 8/6/1997
The eternality of Jesus Christ   6 Christ Living in You 8/5/1997
The cup of the New Covenant   34 Memorial to the Messiah 8/3/1997
Be kind to one another.  Submit to another   12 One Another 7/30/1997
The Son of God 5 Christ Living in You 7/29/1997
Sending the servant 29 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 7/27/1997
Be kind to one another Ephesians 4:32 11 One Another 7/23/1997
The deity of Jesus Christ   4 Christ Living in You 7/22/1997
Finding a bride   28 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 7/20/1997
We are to care for one another.  We are to be kind to one another   10 One Another 7/16/1997
Jesus Christ is God 3 Christ Living in You 7/15/1997
The Lord will provide Genesis 22:14 27 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 7/13/1997
We are to wait for one another.  We are to care for one another 9 One Another 7/9/1997
Overview of Genesis 1:10   8 One Another 7/8/1997
4th of July Communion 33 Memorial to the Messiah 7/6/1997
We are to admonish one another.  We are to greet one another 7 One Another 7/2/1997
Conditions of knowing Christ Matthew 16:16 2 Christ Living in You 7/1/1997
Overview Genesis 22:1-13 26 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 6/29/1997
We are to be of the same mind.  We are to accept one another   6 One Another 6/25/1997
Christ living in you Matthew 16:13-16 1 Christ Living in You 6/24/1997
Ram caught in the thicket Genesis 22:13 25 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 6/22/1997
We are to build up one another Romans 14:19 5 One Another 6/18/1997
Encouragement not to sin:  Paul, James, and John   104 Spirit Filled Life 6/17/1997
Faith demonstrated Genesis 22:13 24 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 6/15/1997
Think the same toward one another; build up one another   4 One Another 6/11/1997
What fear, what avenging of wrong 103 Spirit Filled Life 6/10/1997
Conditions of the test being over Genesis 22:12 23 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 6/8/1997
One another Romans 3 One Another 6/4/1997
What longing   102 Spirit Filled Life 6/3/1997
The cup of the new covenant   32 Memorial to the Messiah 6/1/1997
Believers are to serve one another   2 One Another 5/28/1997
Encouragement not to sin:  What fear 101 Spirit Filled Life 5/27/1997
Purpose of testing Genesis 22:11 22 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 5/25/1997
Encouragement not to sin:  What vindication, what indignation   100 Spirit Filled Life 5/20/1997
Obedience that is faith, conclusion 7 Obedience that is Faith 5/18/1997
Spiritual love will not destroy another believer 48 Spiritual Love 5/14/1997
What earnestness 2 Corinthians 7:11 99 Spirit Filled Life 5/13/1997
The obedience that God demands; how the cross defeated Satan Haggai 2 6 Obedience that is Faith 5/11/1997
Spiritual love will not hurt another believer 47 Spiritual Love 5/7/1997
True repentance   98 Spirit Filled Life 5/6/1997
1 Corinthians 11:24 1 Corinthians 11:24 31 Memorial to the Messiah 5/4/1997
Spiritual love flows from the obedience of faith 46 Spiritual Love 4/30/1997
Sorrow 2 Corinthians 7:10 97 Spirit Filled Life 4/29/1997
Obedience that is faith, cont. Isaiah 28 5 Obedience that is Faith 4/27/1997
Obedience that is faith, cont.   4 Obedience that is Faith 4/20/1997
Obedience that is faith, cont. Matthew 19:16 3 Obedience that is Faith 4/16/1997
Obedience that is faith, cont.   2 Obedience that is Faith 4/15/1997
Obedience that is faith Genesis 22:12 1 Obedience that is Faith 4/13/1997
Spiritual love guides our walk, cont. 45 Spiritual Love 4/9/1997
The sorrow of the world   96 Spirit Filled Life 4/8/1997
Testing and the place 21 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 4/6/1997
Spiritual love guides our walk 44 Spiritual Love 4/2/1997
Repentance happens on the inside 95 Spirit Filled Life 4/1/1997
Isaac:  Pattern of Christ, cont.   30 Memorial to the Messiah 3/30/1997
Isaac:  Pattern of Christ 29 Memorial to the Messiah 3/30/1997
Faith in God results in love toward others   20 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 3/26/1997
God provides for Himself 19 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 3/25/1997
God will provide, part 3   18 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 3/23/1997
Spiritual love and human relationships 43 Spiritual Love 3/19/1997
The work of God the Holy Spirit   94 Spirit Filled Life 3/18/1997
God will provide, part 2 17 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 3/16/1997
Personal act of sin 93 Spirit Filled Life 3/11/1997
God will provide, part 1   16 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 3/9/1997
Trust the Spirit to give you truth 53 Greater Works 3/8/1997
Spiritual love is profitable 42 Spiritual Love 3/5/1997
Encouragement not to sin   92 Spirit Filled Life 3/4/1997
Wording of the communion service, cont.   28 Memorial to the Messiah 3/2/1997
Wording of the communion service 27 Memorial to the Messiah 3/2/1997
Spiritual love edifies others 41 Spiritual Love 2/26/1997
Recovery from sin 91 Spirit Filled Life 2/25/1997
Time and test of faith 15 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 2/23/1997
To love one another is the goal and result of spiritual love Galatians 6:1-2 1 One Another 2/21/1997
Spiritual love edifies 40 Spiritual Love 2/19/1997
That you do not sin 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 90 Spirit Filled Life 2/18/1997
The burnt offering   14 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 2/16/1997
Believer’s relationship with other believers 39 Spiritual Love 2/12/1997
The Holy Spirit leads the believer to faith 89 Spirit Filled Life 2/11/1997
The sacrifice of His Son, the love of God 13 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 2/9/1997
Spiritual love changes the believer 38 Spiritual Love 2/5/1997
“Do this in remembrance of me”, part 4   26 Memorial to the Messiah 2/2/1997
“Do this in remembrance of me”, part 3 1 Corinthians 11:24 25 Memorial to the Messiah 2/2/1997
Why Love? 37 Spiritual Love 1/29/1997
Grace recovery is an encouragement not to sin   88 Spirit Filled Life 1/28/1997
The Father’s side of the cross, cont.   12 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 1/26/1997
“I have become a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal” 36 Spiritual Love 1/22/1997
I write these things 1 John 2:1 87 Spirit Filled Life 1/21/1997
The Father’s side of the cross 11 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 1/19/1997
A life without love 35 Spiritual Love 1/15/1997
Review of John's emphasis:  Benefits of staying in the Light   86 Spirit Filled Life 1/14/1997
Sacrificed   10 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 1/12/1997
Review of the more excellent way 34 Spiritual Love 1/7/1997
The Son of Sacrifice Genesis 22 9 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 1/5/1997
Lessons of the pattern, cont.   8 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 12/31/1996
Lessons of the pattern, cont. 7 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 12/31/1996
Lessons of the pattern   6 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 12/29/1996
Miraculous births, cont. 5 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 12/24/1996
Miraculous births   4 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 12/22/1996
Appendix to the promise, cont. 3 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 12/18/1996
Appendix to the promise   2 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 12/17/1996
The Son of Promise 1 Isaac as a Pattern of Christ 12/15/1996
The more excellent way, cont. 33 Spiritual Love 12/11/1996
John's emphasis:  Benefits of staying in the Light 85 Spirit Filled Life 12/10/1996
Comparing the indwelling and filling of the Godhead   52 Greater Works 12/8/1996
The more excellent way 32 Spiritual Love 12/4/1996
These things 1 John 2:1 84 Spirit Filled Life 12/3/1996
“Do this in remembrance of me”, part 2 1 Corinthians 11:24 24 Memorial to the Messiah 12/1/1996
“Do this in remembrance of me”, part 1 1 Corinthians 11:24 23 Memorial to the Messiah 12/1/1996
What is truth? 1 John 2:1 83 Spirit Filled Life 11/26/1996
Spiritual love:  the more excellent way 31 Spiritual Love 11/20/1996
Why believers deny they sin   82 Spirit Filled Life 11/19/1996
Understanding the indwelling of the Holy Spirit 51 Greater Works 11/17/1996
Severity of denial 81 Spirit Filled Life 11/12/1996
Term and scriptural references to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit   50 Greater Works 11/10/1996
Jesus Christ’s love is sacrificial and beneficial 30 Spiritual Love 11/6/1996
Jesus Christ set the standard for how we are to love 29 Spiritual Love 11/6/1996
Denying sin makes God a liar   80 Spirit Filled Life 11/5/1996
“Which is for you” 1 Corinthians 11:24 22 Memorial to the Messiah 11/3/1996
“Which is for you” 1 Corinthians 11:24 21 Memorial to the Messiah 11/3/1996
Loving as Jesus Christ loved 28 Spiritual Love 10/30/1996
1 John 1:10 1 John 1:10 79 Spirit Filled Life 10/29/1996
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit 49 Greater Works 10/27/1996
The person of spiritual love 27 Spiritual Love 10/23/1996
We are cleansed by the offering of Jesus Christ on the cross   78 Spirit Filled Life 10/22/1996
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit vs. the filling of the Holy Spirit   48 Greater Works 10/20/1996
The glory of God is revealed through spiritual love 26 Spiritual Love 10/16/1996
God cleanses us by faith 77 Spirit Filled Life 10/15/1996
Who is the Holy Spirit? 47 Greater Works 10/13/1996
The person of spiritual love:  Jesus Christ 25 Spiritual Love 10/9/1996
To cleanse   76 Spirit Filled Life 10/8/1996
1 Corinthians 11:23-24 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 20 Memorial to the Messiah 10/6/1996
1 Corinthians 11:23-24 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 19 Memorial to the Messiah 10/6/1996
Understanding the love that is required of us 24 Spiritual Love 10/2/1996
Appropriating forgiveness by faith 75 Spirit Filled Life 10/1/1996
Another helper   46 Greater Works 9/29/1996
Consciousness of love 23 Spiritual Love 9/25/1996
Forgiveness and reconciliation   74 Spirit Filled Life 9/24/1996
The sending of the Spirit 45 Greater Works 9/22/1996
5th condition of the greater works:  who is the Holy Spirit?   44 Greater Works 9/15/1996
How can you tap into the power of the Holy Spirit? 22 Spiritual Love 9/11/1996
2 categories of forgiveness 73 Spirit Filled Life 9/10/1996
Examine the love that controls you 2 Corinthians 5:14 43 Greater Works 9/8/1996
The Holy Spirit pours love into our soul 21 Spiritual Love 9/4/1996
Understanding God's forgiveness   72 Spirit Filled Life 9/3/1996
1 Corinthians 11:23 1 Corinthians 11:23 18 Memorial to the Messiah 9/1/1996
1 Corinthians 11:23 1 Corinthians 11:23 17 Memorial to the Messiah 9/1/1996
Spiritual love is from the Holy Spirit 20 Spiritual Love 8/28/1996
Greek translation of 1 John 1:9 71 Spirit Filled Life 8/27/1996
Faith and love translate into service, sacrifice, and sharing   42 Greater Works 8/25/1996
What is the cause of the love of Christ? 19 Spiritual Love 8/21/1996
What must be done with our sins?   70 Spirit Filled Life 8/20/1996
Commandments of Christ, cont. 41 Greater Works 8/18/1996
Commandments of Christ   40 Greater Works 8/11/1996
The work: to love as Christ loved 18 Spiritual Love 8/7/1996
The faithfulness and forgiveness of God 69 Spirit Filled Life 8/6/1996
Remembering how we were delivered by faith   16 Memorial to the Messiah 8/4/1996
The work before us:  to love as Christ loved 17 Spiritual Love 7/31/1996
There is no other God Isaiah 45:21-25 68 Spirit Filled Life 7/30/1996
The two sides of love 39 Greater Works 7/28/1996
By faith in Jesus Christ we are free to love 16 Spiritual Love 7/24/1996
God is righteous 1 John 1:9 67 Spirit Filled Life 7/23/1996
If you love me John 14:15 38 Greater Works 7/21/1996
How can we love as Jesus Christ loved?  Our work is spiritual love 15 Spiritual Love 7/17/1996
He is faithful   66 Spirit Filled Life 7/15/1996
Love and the greater works 37 Greater Works 7/14/1996
God is faithful and righteous 65 Spirit Filled Life 7/9/1996
1 Corinthians 11:8-22 1 Corinthians 11:8-22 15 Memorial to the Messiah 7/7/1996
1 Corinthians 11:8-22 1 Corinthians 11:8-22 14 Memorial to the Messiah 7/7/1996
2 grammatical views of 1 John 1:9 1 John 1:9 64 Spirit Filled Life 7/3/1996
God is faithful 63 Spirit Filled Life 7/2/1996
God uses the Gentiles to teach the Jews John 14:15, Romans 9:23-10:21 36 Greater Works 6/30/1996
“I will do it” John 14:14 35 Greater Works 6/23/1996
The difference between sp. love and human love; sp. love effects human love 14 Spiritual Love 6/19/1996
Spiritual love is a force 13 Spiritual Love 6/18/1996
The glorification of God   34 Greater Works 6/16/1996
Who answers prayer? 33 Greater Works 6/9/1996
1 Corinthians 11:17-18 1 Corinthians 11:17-18 13 Memorial to the Messiah 6/2/1996
1 Corinthians 11:17 1 Corinthians 11:17 12 Memorial to the Messiah 6/2/1996
The being of God 12 Spiritual Love 5/29/1996
Spiritual love is a problem solving device 11 Spiritual Love 5/28/1996
Praying is His name        32 Greater Works 5/26/1996
3 categories of love 10 Spiritual Love 5/22/1996
Guest speaker Phil McMillan   62 Spirit Filled Life 5/21/1996
Who is worthy to pray in His name? 31 Greater Works 5/19/1996
Faith, prayer, and greater works; can we pray in Jesus’ name?   30 Greater Works 5/12/1996
Pastor John Hintz:  The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:5 61 Spirit Filled Life 5/5/1996
Faith, prayer, and greater works; 2 lessons from Christ 29 Greater Works 5/5/1996
Pastor John Hintz:  The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:5 60 Spirit Filled Life 5/1/1996
Pastor John Hintz:  Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:3-4 59 Spirit Filled Life 4/30/1996
Why prayers aren’t answered John 14:13 28 Greater Works 4/28/1996
Prayer and the greater works 27 Greater Works 4/21/1996
Summary of greater works   26 Greater Works 4/14/1996
Authenticity that we belong to Christ 9 Spiritual Love 4/10/1996
Faith is the only thing we can do for God   58 Spirit Filled Life 4/9/1996
God enters time, man enters eternity, cont. 2 Christmas and Easter 4/7/1996
God enters time, man enters eternity 1 Christmas and Easter 4/7/1996
All observe to learn about the work of Christ 8 Spiritual Love 4/3/1996
Guest speakers Rick & Tina DeHaan:  Missionaries to Albania 57 Spirit Filled Life 4/2/1996
Greater works are spiritual works in reference to the Spiritual Kingdom John 14:12 25 Greater Works 3/31/1996
The new commandment of love vs. the commandments of the Mosaic Law 7 Spiritual Love 3/27/1996
If we confess our sins 1 John 1:9 56 Spirit Filled Life 3/26/1996
Faith as a condition of greater works John 14:12 24 Greater Works 3/24/1996
The new commandment 6 Spiritual Love 3/20/1996
Guest speaker Jody Brown:  Village Missions International 55 Spirit Filled Life 3/19/1996
Loving as Christ loves 23 Greater Works 3/17/1996
Understanding the love of Christ 5 Spiritual Love 3/13/1996
Scriptural reference to confession   54 Spirit Filled Life 3/12/1996
Crossing the Red Sea, crossing the Jordan   22 Greater Works 3/10/1996
Understanding the new commandment 4 Spiritual Love 3/6/1996
Understanding confession 1 John 1:9 53 Spirit Filled Life 3/5/1996
The true and false communion, cont. 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 11 Memorial to the Messiah 3/3/1996
The true and false communion 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 10 Memorial to the Messiah 3/3/1996
Understanding commandment 3 Spiritual Love 2/28/1996
Wonderful grace of God 1 John 1:9 52 Spirit Filled Life 2/27/1996
Crossing Jordan:  Believing is knowing that God is with you 21 Greater Works 2/25/1996
Scriptural challenge to spiritual love 2 Spiritual Love 2/21/1996
Contextual obligation 1 John 1:9 51 Spirit Filled Life 2/20/1996
Crossing Jordan:  The Living God   20 Greater Works 2/18/1996
Introduction 1 Spiritual Love 2/14/1996
Results of denial, cont.   50 Spirit Filled Life 2/13/1996
Crossing Jordan Joshua 3:3-6 19 Greater Works 2/11/1996
Results of denial, cont. 49 Spirit Filled Life 2/7/1996
Results of denial   48 Spirit Filled Life 2/6/1996
Crossing Jordan:  God’s presence is within us   18 Greater Works 2/4/1996
The book of Acts 9 Memorial to the Messiah 2/4/1996
Review, cont. 1 John 1:1-8 47 Spirit Filled Life 1/31/1996
Review, cont. 1 John 1:1-8 46 Spirit Filled Life 1/30/1996
Crossing the Jordan 17 Greater Works 1/28/1996
Review, cont. 1 John 1:1-8 45 Spirit Filled Life 1/24/1996
Review 1 John 1:1-8 44 Spirit Filled Life 1/23/1996
Crossing the Jordan:  The pattern is the same, trusting the Holy Spirit   16 Greater Works 1/21/1996
The results of walking in the light 1 John 1:7-8 43 Spirit Filled Life 1/17/1996
The difference between relationship and fellowship 1 John 1:6 42 Spirit Filled Life 1/16/1996
Crossing the Red Sea, crossing the Jordan:  Conclusion, part 6 15 Greater Works 1/14/1996
A correct view of God guides into a correct relationship with God 1 John 1:5 41 Spirit Filled Life 1/10/1996
Looking at 1 John 1:9 in context   40 Spirit Filled Life 1/9/1996
Crossing the Red Sea, crossing the Jordan:  The two crossings, part 5   14 Greater Works 1/7/1996
Part 23 42 Three Phases of the Plan of God 1/3/1996
Part 22 41 Three Phases of the Plan of God 1/2/1996
The 7th gift, part 3   9 The Seven Gifts of God 12/31/1995
The 7th gift, part 2 8 The Seven Gifts of God 12/31/1995
The 7th gift, part 1   7 The Seven Gifts of God 12/31/1995
The 6th gift 6 The Seven Gifts of God 12/27/1995
The 5th gift   5 The Seven Gifts of God 12/25/1995
The 4th gift 4 The Seven Gifts of God 12/24/1995
The 3rd gift   3 The Seven Gifts of God 12/20/1995
The 2nd gift 2 The Seven Gifts of God 12/19/1995
The 1st gift   1 The Seven Gifts of God 12/17/1995
Part 21 40 Three Phases of the Plan of God 12/13/1995
Part 20 39 Three Phases of the Plan of God 12/12/1995
Crossing the Red Sea, crossing the Jordan:  Different yet similar; God is glorified, part 4 13 Greater Works 12/10/1995
Part 19 38 Three Phases of the Plan of God 12/6/1995
Part 18 37 Three Phases of the Plan of God 12/5/1995
Christmas communion   12 Greater Works 12/3/1995
Crossing the Red Sea, crossing the Jordan:  Different yet similar; God is glorified, part 3 11 Greater Works 12/3/1995
Part 17 36 Three Phases of the Plan of God 11/29/1995
Crossing the Red Sea, crossing the Jordan:  Different yet similar; God is glorified, part 2   10 Greater Works 11/26/1995
Part 16 35 Three Phases of the Plan of God 11/22/1995
Part 15 34 Three Phases of the Plan of God 11/21/1995
Crossing the Red Sea, crossing the Jordan:  Different yet similar; God is glorified, part 1 9 Greater Works 11/19/1995
Part 14 33 Three Phases of the Plan of God 11/15/1995
Part 13 32 Three Phases of the Plan of God 11/14/1995
Crossing the Red Sea, crossing the Jordan   8 Greater Works 11/12/1995
Part 12 31 Three Phases of the Plan of God 11/8/1995
Part 11 30 Three Phases of the Plan of God 11/7/1995
Understanding the elements, cont. John 6 8 Memorial to the Messiah 11/5/1995
Understanding the elements John 6 7 Memorial to the Messiah 11/5/1995
Part 10 29 Three Phases of the Plan of God 11/1/1995
Part 9 28 Three Phases of the Plan of God 10/31/1995
Summary of greater works 7 Greater Works 10/29/1995
Part 8 27 Three Phases of the Plan of God 10/25/1995
Part 7 26 Three Phases of the Plan of God 10/24/1995
Entering the Kingdom   6 Greater Works 10/22/1995
Part 6 25 Three Phases of the Plan of God 10/18/1995
Part 5 24 Three Phases of the Plan of God 10/17/1995
Greater works and the relationship with the Kingdom 5 Greater Works 10/15/1995
Doing greater works will demonstrate that we belong to Jesus Christ   4 Greater Works 10/8/1995
Part 4 23 Three Phases of the Plan of God 10/4/1995
Part 3 22 Three Phases of the Plan of God 10/3/1995
Greater works and the results of faith 3 Greater Works 10/1/1995
Part 2 21 Three Phases of the Plan of God 9/27/1995
Phase 3:  The 3 righteousnesses 20 Three Phases of the Plan of God 9/26/1995
To perform greater works takes faith   2 Greater Works 9/24/1995
Part 14 19 Three Phases of the Plan of God 9/20/1995
Part 13 18 Three Phases of the Plan of God 9/19/1995
5 conditions of greater works John 14:12-18 1 Greater Works 9/17/1995
Union model; believing is seeing 30 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 9/10/1995
Part 12 17 Three Phases of the Plan of God 9/6/1995
Part 11 16 Three Phases of the Plan of God 9/5/1995
Change from the Passover to the Lord’s Supper, cont.   6 Memorial to the Messiah 9/3/1995
Change from the Passover to the Lord’s Supper 5 Memorial to the Messiah 9/3/1995
Part 10 15 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/30/1995
Part 9 14 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/29/1995
Jesus Christ sets the model for us to trust God 29 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 8/27/1995
Pastor Dan Hill:  The mature believer's view of spiritual growth 39 Spirit Filled Life 8/25/1995
Pastor Dan Hill:  The progression of child/adolescent believers   38 Spirit Filled Life 8/24/1995
Pastor Dan Hill:  Three stages of spiritual growth 37 Spirit Filled Life 8/23/1995
Part 8 13 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/22/1995
Union model as the basis for our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit   28 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 8/20/1995
Part 7 12 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/16/1995
Part 6 11 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/15/1995
The union model 27 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 8/13/1995
Part 5 10 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/9/1995
Part 4 9 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/8/1995
Age of Israel, cont   4 Memorial to the Messiah 8/6/1995
Age of Israel 3 Memorial to the Messiah 8/6/1995
Part 3 8 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/2/1995
Part 2 7 Three Phases of the Plan of God 8/1/1995
God's secret wisdom answers why his word can both reveal and conceal   26 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 7/30/1995
Phase 2:  The 3 faiths 6 Three Phases of the Plan of God 7/26/1995
Part 5 5 Three Phases of the Plan of God 7/25/1995
Knowing God:  Philip's question 25 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 7/23/1995
Pastor John Hintz:  Matthew 5   36 Spirit Filled Life 7/19/1995
Pastor John Hintz:  Matthew 5 35 Spirit Filled Life 7/18/1995
Knowing God:  The living word reveals and conceals   24 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 7/16/1995
Part 4 4 Three Phases of the Plan of God 7/12/1995
Guest speaker Phillip McMillan:  Russia Village Missions   34 Spirit Filled Life 7/11/1995
Knowing God:  Introduction John 14:6-11 23 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 7/9/1995
Part 3 3 Three Phases of the Plan of God 7/5/1995
Memorial to the Messiah, cont.   22 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 7/2/1995
Memorial to the Messiah 21 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 7/2/1995
Abraham and Melchizedek, cont.   2 Memorial to the Messiah 7/2/1995
Abraham and Melchizedek 1 Memorial to the Messiah 7/2/1995
Part 2 2 Three Phases of the Plan of God 6/28/1995
Phase 1:  The 3 salvations 1 Three Phases of the Plan of God 6/27/1995
"I am the Life"   20 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 6/25/1995
Guest speaker Rod Becker:  How love (true objective) works (via team concept) 33 Spirit Filled Life 6/23/1995
Guest speaker Rod Becker:  God's view, His work and our rest   32 Spirit Filled Life 6/22/1995
Guest speaker Rod Becker:  Man's view on reaching God's objective in life 31 Spirit Filled Life 6/21/1995
Guest speaker Rod Becker:  What is man's main objective in life?   30 Spirit Filled Life 6/20/1995
Guest speaker Rod Becker:  The journey of man 29 Spirit Filled Life 6/19/1995
How do you attain spiritual life? (Doctrine of Regeneration) 19 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 6/18/1995
What is ours by faith - forgiveness and cleansing   28 Spirit Filled Life 6/13/1995
"I am the Life"; receive his life   18 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 6/11/1995
Relationship of God's righteousness to forgiveness and deliverance 27 Spirit Filled Life 6/6/1995
"The Truth" 17 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 6/4/1995
He is righteous   26 Spirit Filled Life 5/30/1995
Ministry of reconciliation   16 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 5/28/1995
He is faithful 25 Spirit Filled Life 5/23/1995
Reconciliation and the love of God; the person of reconciliation 15 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 5/21/1995
Confession:  Agreeing with God on the nakedness of sin   24 Spirit Filled Life 5/16/1995
The offended offers the act of reconciliation   14 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 5/14/1995
If we confess our sins, cont. 23 Spirit Filled Life 5/9/1995
"In remembrance of me" 13 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 5/7/1995
If we confess our sins, cont.   22 Spirit Filled Life 5/2/1995
Reconciliation:  Man's view vs. God's provision (the Way)   12 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 4/30/1995
If we confess our sins 21 Spirit Filled Life 4/26/1995
Homologeo in the writings of John   20 Spirit Filled Life 4/25/1995
Reconciliation:  Why it is needed and the solution 11 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 4/23/1995
Confession:  What we proclaim that we believe, our faith 19 Spirit Filled Life 4/19/1995
Confession:  The claim and reality of that claim 1 John 1:9 18 Spirit Filled Life 4/18/1995
Our benefit from Christ's resurrection   10 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 4/16/1995
What resurrection truly means 9 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 4/16/1995
Man's solution for a way to God; Doctrine of religion   8 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 4/9/1995
Homologeo in the Bible 1 John 1:9 17 Spirit Filled Life 4/5/1995
Homologeo in history 1 John 1:9 16 Spirit Filled Life 4/4/1995
The many ways to God - true and false 7 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 4/2/1995
Introduction to 1 John 1:9 1 John 1:9 15 Spirit Filled Life 3/29/1995
False claims vs. truth in confession 1 John 1:9 14 Spirit Filled Life 3/28/1995
Man experiences loss/separation from God; the purity of knowledge   6 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 3/26/1995
Effects of deception 1 John 1:8 13 Spirit Filled Life 3/22/1995
Loss of communion with the Lord God John 14, Genesis 2 5 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 3/19/1995
Results/effects of denying personal sin   12 Spirit Filled Life 3/15/1995
The denial of personal sin 11 Spirit Filled Life 3/14/1995
The comfort of man in the garden   4 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 3/12/1995
"A Salute to Patsy Edwards"; Satan's desire to blind us from truth and God's love   10 Spirit Filled Life 3/7/1995
Communion with God 1 John 4:7-8 3 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 3/5/1995
Two fears of God; Satan's lie in the Garden 1 John 1:8 9 Spirit Filled Life 3/1/1995
Gary Horton:  Looking at yourself through the eyes of the cross   8 Spirit Filled Life 2/28/1995
Man's inherent desire to know eternity   2 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 2/26/1995
Why believers claim they have no sin 1 John 1:8 7 Spirit Filled Life 2/22/1995
Blood of Christ; cleansing all sin 1 John 1:7 6 Spirit Filled Life 2/21/1995
Comfort for eternity John 14:6 1 The Way, the Truth, and the Life 2/19/1995
Blood of Christ; fulfillment of burnt/sin offering 1 John 1:7 5 Spirit Filled Life 2/15/1995
Blood of Christ; concept of cleaning 1 John 1:7  4 Spirit Filled Life 2/14/1995
Blood of Christ; cleanliness before God 1 John 1:9 3 Spirit Filled Life 2/8/1995
Blood of Christ; requirement for walking in the Light 1 John 1:7-8 2 Spirit Filled Life 2/7/1995
The great intruder to the Spirit filled life; false/correct view of sin 1 John 1:6-2:22 1 Spirit Filled Life 2/1/1995
Function of Shepherd:  Tend to the sheep 47 When Satan calls your Name 12/8/1994
Satan brings down, only Jesus Christ restores   46 When Satan calls your Name 12/1/1994
It is not the failure, it is the faith 45 When Satan calls your Name 11/17/1994
Jesus Christ loves by salvaging; God knows your personality   44 When Satan calls your Name 11/9/1994
Jesus Christ demands the highest quality of love 43 When Satan calls your Name 11/4/1994
Four types of love   42 When Satan calls your Name 10/27/1994
Woman in Pharisee's house is forgiven 41 When Satan calls your Name 10/13/1994
Jesus Christ asks Peter three times:  "Do you love me?"   40 When Satan calls your Name 10/6/1994
The kindness and sensitivity of Christ 39 When Satan calls your Name 9/29/1994
Spiritual love in action; Jesus Christ seeks Peter   38 When Satan calls your Name 9/22/1994
Peter's three denials; Satan's setup for the denials 37 When Satan calls your Name 9/15/1994
    36 When Satan calls your Name 9/14/1994
Suffering is for our consolation and comfort 35 When Satan calls your Name 9/1/1994
Satan's attack; learning to be a friend like Jesus Christ   34 When Satan calls your Name 8/25/1994
Devices Satan brings to eclipse our life 33 When Satan calls your Name 8/19/1994
Spiritual eclipse - Satan comes between God and believer   32 When Satan calls your Name 8/5/1994
Jesus Christ intercedes on behalf of believers 31 When Satan calls your Name 7/28/1994
30 When Satan calls your Name 6/1/1994
Encouragement of a true friend 29 When Satan calls your Name 5/19/1994
Satan wants Peter because Peter loves the Lord   28 When Satan calls your Name 5/5/1994
Satan, our enemy, draws us away from the word of God Luke 22:31 27 When Satan calls your Name 4/28/1994
Satan covets those who respond to God's love   26 When Satan calls your Name 4/14/1994
Why Satan called Peter's name 25 When Satan calls your Name 4/7/1994
Last supper and Judas' betrayal Luke 22 24 When Satan calls your Name 3/24/1994
Job's failure; God's grace 23 When Satan calls your Name 3/10/1994
How God is enticed into action (for or against you)   22 When Satan calls your Name 2/24/1994
Integrity:  Living up to what you claim; living the Christ centered life 21 When Satan calls your Name 2/10/1994
Job hold fast his integrity by holding to God's righteousness   20 When Satan calls your Name 2/3/1994
God does not act out of character 19 When Satan calls your Name 1/27/1994
Whatever a believer does, it must be of faith   18 When Satan calls your Name 1/20/1994
In prosperity or suffering Job praises the Lord; God does not depend on the acts of man 17 When Satan calls your Name 1/17/1994
Job's orientation to life and God   16 When Satan calls your Name 1/16/1994
Six deliberate actions of Job when faced with disaster 15 When Satan calls your Name 1/13/1994
In time of disaster what will you [Job] do?   14 When Satan calls your Name 1/12/1994
Loss of prosperity test 13 When Satan calls your Name 1/9/1994
Reality of the testing; how will you love?   12 When Satan calls your Name 1/9/1994
God's love builds a hedge around the believer and his house 11 When Satan calls your Name 1/6/1994
Vital issues in your relationship with God and Satan   10 When Satan calls your Name 1/5/1994
Being a true servant of the Lord 9 When Satan calls your Name 1/4/1994
Satan's objective in prowling about the earth   8 When Satan calls your Name 1/2/1994
God and Satan roam to and fro on the earth for a purpose 7 When Satan calls your Name 1/2/1994
First the Father glorifies the Son, then the Son glorifies the Father   6 When Satan calls your Name 12/31/1993
    5 When Satan calls your Name 12/30/1993
Relationships involved; case history   4 When Satan calls your Name 12/29/1993
Satan's desire to curse God 3 When Satan calls your Name 12/28/1993
Relationships involved when called; first man called was Job   2 When Satan calls your Name 12/26/1993
Introduction Ezekiel 28:11-19 1 When Satan calls your Name 12/26/1993
Doctrines taught in Galatians Galatians 2, 3 24 Boasting of our Weakness 4/29/1993
God the Father and Jesus Christ revealed Galatians 1, 2 23 Boasting of our Weakness 4/28/1993
Power of God demonstrated in weakness   22 Boasting of our Weakness 4/27/1993
How does God behave when we are weak? 21 Boasting of our Weakness 4/15/1993
To be weak and yet live in power   20 Boasting of our Weakness 4/14/1993
Power in one person, Jesus Christ 19 Boasting of our Weakness 4/13/1993
Christ crucified in weakness; Christ lives because of the power of God   18 Boasting of our Weakness 4/11/1993
The impact of the resurrection in relation to the Christ centered life 17 Boasting of our Weakness 4/11/1993
At the cross God helped us with our greatest weakness   16 Boasting of our Weakness 4/8/1993
God's timing is perfect in our weakness 15 Boasting of our Weakness 4/7/1993
Know that you are weak and powerless; realize the Holy Spirit's timing is perfect   14 Boasting of our Weakness 4/6/1993
Our weaknesses are no obstacle to God Zechariah 4:6 13 Boasting of our Weakness 4/4/1993
Freedom to be weak before God   12 Boasting of our Weakness 4/4/1993
Believe the Holy Spirit will do things you know He can do 11 Boasting of our Weakness 4/1/1993
The believer must rely on the Lord   10 Boasting of our Weakness 3/31/1993
Recovering from weakness by trusting the Lord 9 Boasting of our Weakness 3/30/1993
7 areas of weakness   8 Boasting of our Weakness 3/25/1993
Pictures of believers under severe pain Psalms 102, 88, 77, 69, 42 7 Boasting of our Weakness 3/24/1993
God's power is perfected in our weakness; David pines for restored relationship with God   6 Boasting of our Weakness 3/23/1993
David pines in his soul 5 Boasting of our Weakness 3/18/1993
God's mercy and comfort   4 Boasting of our Weakness 3/17/1993
God's grace in suffering 3 Boasting of our Weakness 3/16/1993
Strength and weakness   2 Boasting of our Weakness 3/11/1993
God's grace is sufficient in weakness 1 Boasting of our Weakness 3/10/1993